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Informationsseiten, Kampagnen und Service-portale mit Baukasten-System


Diese Seite bietet eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen für Informationsseiten, Kampagnen und Service-Portale, einschließlich Konzeption und Beratung, Entwicklung und Erweiterung, Hosting, Pflege, Wartung und Support, Schulung, Redaktion und Administration, Maintainership und Community-Management, Programm- und Projektmanagement sowie Digistraßen. Es bietet auch spezifische Lösungen für E-Government-Portale, Online-Terminbuchung, Formular-Management, OZG-Lösungen, Fachverfahren, Kommunikation und Chatbots, Low-Code-Lösungen, E-Government-Komponenten, Cloud-Dienstleistungen und Technologien. Darüber hinaus bietet es Referenzen, Jobs, Blog-Posts und Kontaktinformationen.


What types of services are offered by Open Source?
Open Source offers services such as conception and consultation, development and expansion, hosting, maintenance, training, editing and administration, maintainership and community management, program and project management, digistraßen, e-government portals, online appointment booking, form management, OZG solutions, specialized procedures, communication and chatbots, low-code solutions, e-government components, cloud services, and technologies.

What services are available in the Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.nrw?
The Wirtschafts-Service-Portal.nrw offers services such as conception, development, and project management.

What is the purpose of the Pflegewegweiser nrw?
The purpose of the Pflegewegweiser nrw is to provide support to those in need of care and their families by providing a digital and telephone service to help them find the right contacts.

What is the scope of services provided by Open Source?
The scope of services provided by Open Source includes conception and consultation, development and expansion, hosting, maintenance, training, editing and administration, maintainership and community management, program and project management, digistraßen, e-government portals, online appointment booking, form management, OZG solutions, specialized procedures, communication and chatbots, low-code solutions, e-government components, cloud services, and technologies.

What are the main features of the E-Government-Portale?
The main features of the E-Government-Portale include providing facts quickly, anytime, and in a format suitable for any device for citizens, advising on specific topics, helping to implement the Onlinezugangsgesetzes (OZG) in a user-friendly and sustainable way, and providing a central digital gateway for businesses in NRW.

AI Comments

👍 Dieser Artikel bietet eine übersichtliche und detaillierte Übersicht über die verschiedenen Leistungen, die von diesem Unternehmen angeboten werden.

👎 Dieser Artikel könnte einige Informationen mehr beinhalten, um ein vollständigeres Bild über die angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu erhalten.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about open source solutions for government services. They have a range of services such as conception and advice, development and expansion, hosting and maintenance, training, editing and administration, maintainership and community management, and more.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, this article demonstrates the need for governments to modernize and provide services digitally. It also highlights the importance of open source solutions for government services, as they are more cost-effective and can be easily maintained. It also shows the potential for governments to create digital portals for their services, allowing citizens to access them more easily.

Action items

Technical terms

Websites that provide information to users.
Campaigns or promotional activities.
Online portals that provide services to users.
A system of components that can be used to create a website or application.
Services or products offered.
Overview or summary.
Konzeption & Beratung
Conceptualization and consultation.
Entwicklung & Erweiterung
Development and expansion.
Hosting, Pflege, Wartung & Support
Hosting, maintenance, upkeep and support.
Schulung, Redaktion & Administration
Training, editing and administration.
Maintainership & Community-Mgmt
Maintenance and community management.
Programm- & Projektmgmt, Digistraßen
Program and project management, digital streets.
Electronic government portals.
Online appointment booking.
Form management.
OZG solutions.
Special procedures.
Kommunikation & Chatbots
Communication and chatbots.
Low-code solutions.
Electronic government components.
Cloud services.
Jobs or employment opportunities.
References or testimonials.
A blog or website that contains posts about a particular topic.
Uber uns
About us.
Wir sind Open Source
We are open source.
Open Source Code-Repos & Projekte
Open source code repositories and projects.
A call to action to purchase a product or service.
Benefits or advantages.
The Drupal community, a web development platform.
Expansion possibilities.
Application areas

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