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The Last 100 Exercise: How I’m Delegating 85% of My Work


In this article, the author discusses an exercise they created to help them delegate their work. They list the last 100 tasks and meetings they have completed and assign them to others or themselves based on who is best suited to take them on. They then divide the remaining tasks into three groups (things they should not do, things they should do, and things they want to do). Finally, they share their discoveries with their team and work on delegating 85% of their current duties.


What is The Last 100 Exercise?
The Last 100 Exercise is an exercise in learning to leverage other people’s skills, knowledge, and experience to accomplish what you can’t do alone.

What steps did Tiago Forte use to complete the exercise?
Tiago Forte used four steps to complete the exercise: list the last 100 tasks and meetings he completed, assign items to others, divide the remaining tasks into three groups, and share what he had discovered.

What tasks did Forte determine should not be done at all?
Forte determined that six items should not be done at all. These involved meeting with people to see a demo of a product, learn about their app or startup, or have them “pick his brain.”

What categories are the tasks Forte determined he should do himself?
The tasks Forte determined he should do himself fell within four main categories: creating new things (writing, recording, filming, teaching), working with experts and peers (his business coach, fellow entrepreneurs, speaking coach, cohort facilitators), inspiring and guiding the team (for product launches and retrospectives for example), and sales (making direct calls to action, drafting sales emails with personal stories).

How did Forte communicate his findings to his team?
Forte shared his lists with the team and asked them to support him in delegating the 85% of his current duties that are not the best use of his talents and that don’t advance their business or mission.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great insight into the importance of delegation and how to effectively delegate tasks.

👎 The article provides too much detail and is overwhelming to read.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an exercise for delegating 85% of your work. Basically, the author lists the last 100 tasks and meetings he completed and then assigns them to others. He also breaks down the remaining tasks into three categories: things he shouldn't do at all, things he thinks he should do, and things he wants to do.

Friend: That's really interesting! It seems like a great way to maximize efficiency and free up some time for more important tasks.

Me: Absolutely. It also highlights the importance of being able to delegate tasks to others. It's important to be able to recognize that you don't have to do everything yourself and to find the right people to help you accomplish your goals.

Action items

Technical terms

Task Manager
A task manager is a software program that helps users organize and manage tasks.
Busycal is a calendar app for Mac and iOS devices that syncs with Google Calendar.
Evernote is a note-taking app that allows users to store notes, images, and other media in an organized way.
Zone of Genius
The zone of genius is a concept that refers to the activities that a person is uniquely capable of doing and that give them a lot of satisfaction and pleasure.
A mastermind is a group of people who come together to share ideas, resources, and support in order to achieve a common goal.
Second Brain
The Second Brain is a concept developed by Tiago Forte that refers to the process of organizing and managing digital information in order to unlock creative potential.

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