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3 Leadership Strategies for a Strong, Flexible Work Culture


This article discusses how the attitudes of executives often have a large influence on hybrid work strategies, and how understanding employee preferences and providing adequate support for managers is key to achieving a successful balance between engagement and mental health in a flexible work environment. It also highlights the importance of having evidence-based decisions and providing training to managers on how to have conversations with their teams about wellbeing.


What influences the decisions made about flexible working?
The decisions made about flexible working are often influenced by emotions and attitudes about hybrid or remote work rather than data and a rational analysis of the organization's requirements.

What is the split between employees who prefer to be splitters or blenders?
The split between employees who prefer to be splitters or blenders is 50/50.

What type of training do managers need to have to effectively manage remote and hybrid teams?
Managers need to have training on how to have a conversation with their team about wellbeing, rather than focusing on wellbeing programs.

What are the consequences of a misaligned flexible work schedule?
The consequences of a misaligned flexible work schedule include lower engagement, feelings of disrespect, and more burnout.

What strategies can be used to ensure employee engagement and wellbeing when implementing a flexible work strategy?
Strategies that can be used to ensure employee engagement and wellbeing when implementing a flexible work strategy include understanding employees' preferred ways of working, switching from programs to conversations, and helping the hybrid manager.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the considerations and strategies needed for a successful hybrid or remote work culture. It also provides helpful data-driven insights and strategies for developing managers to have effective conversations about employee wellbeing.

👎 The article fails to provide comprehensive strategies for the implementation of hybrid or remote work policies, and the data provided is limited to the U.S. workforces, making it difficult to apply to other countries.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about 3 Leadership Strategies for a Strong, Flexible Work Culture. It discusses the implications of executive teams basing decisions on emotions and attitudes rather than data and rational analysis. It also looks at the importance of understanding employees' preferred ways of working, switching from programs to conversations, and helping hybrid managers.

Friend: That's interesting. It seems like it's really important for organizations to get their flexible work strategies right if they want their employees to be engaged and productive. Do you think this will be difficult to achieve?

Me: Yes, I think it will be difficult. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to flexible work, so it's important for organizations to understand their employees' preferences and develop strategies that are tailored to those preferences. Additionally, organizations need to invest in training for managers on how to lead remote and hybrid teams, and they need to provide support structures to help managers address the challenges of working with a hybrid team.

Action items

Technical terms

Chief Human Resources Officer.
Hybrid Strategies
A combination of remote and in-office work.
Workstyle-Matched Employees
Employees whose workstyle preferences match their work environment.
The level of enthusiasm and commitment an employee has for their job.
The state of being healthy, happy, and comfortable.
Working from a location other than the office.
A combination of remote and in-office work.
Working from the office.
Employees who prefer to work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and attend to other life activities before or after work.
Employees who prefer to alternate between work and other life activities throughout the day.
A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
CHRO Roundtable
A survey of 140 CHROs from Fortune 500 companies.
Gallup Panel
A probability-based, random sampling method used to recruit panel members.
Current Population Survey
A survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau that provides demographic information on the U.S. population.
Gallup at Work Newsletter
A newsletter that provides information on creating an exceptional workplace.

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