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This article explains how to register for Crunchbase, an online platform for business analysis and insights. Users can register with a Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter account, or by providing their email address, first name, last name, and a new password. By clicking "Register," users agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.


How can I register for Crunchbase?
You can register for Crunchbase by using social authentication or your e-mail address.

What types of authentication are available for registering for Crunchbase?
The types of authentication available for registering for Crunchbase are Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

What information is required to register for Crunchbase?
The information required to register for Crunchbase is your e-mail address, first name, last name, and a new password.

What are the terms of service and privacy policy for registering for Crunchbase?
The terms of service and privacy policy for registering for Crunchbase can be found by clicking on the "Register" button.

How can I access the Chrome extension for Crunchbase?
You can access the Chrome extension for Crunchbase by visiting the Solutions page.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ The article is well-organized and provides a clear outline of the steps necessary to complete the registration process.

πŸ‘Ž The article does not provide enough information about the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that is being agreed to upon registration.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about registering for a service using social authentication or email address.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it means that users have more options when it comes to registering for an account. They can use their existing social media accounts or create a new account with their email address. This makes it easier and faster for users to sign up and use the service. Additionally, it opens up more opportunities for companies to use social authentication to protect their users' personal data.

Action items

Technical terms

To create an account with a website or service.
Search Crunchbase
A search engine for companies, people, and investors.
Start Free Trial
An offer to try a product or service for a limited period of time before committing to a purchase.
Chrome Extension
A software program that adds additional features to the Google Chrome web browser.
A set of products, services, or processes that are designed to solve a particular problem.
A physical or digital item that is produced or provided by a company.
Materials, information, or services that are available to help with a task or project.
The cost of a product or service.
Log In
To access an account with a website or service.
Social Authentication
A process of verifying a user’s identity using their social media accounts.
A web-based service provider owned by Alphabet Inc.
A social networking website owned by Facebook Inc.
A professional networking website owned by Microsoft Corporation.
A microblogging website owned by Twitter Inc.
E-mail Address
An address used to send and receive electronic mail.
First Name
The given name of a person.
Last Name
The surname of a person.
New Password
A secret code used to access an account.
Terms of Service
A legal agreement between a company and its customers.
Privacy Policy
A document that outlines how a company collects, stores, and uses personal data.

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