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This article describes how to sign into your LinkedIn account. It explains that a one-time link will be sent to the primary email address associated with the account. The user is then instructed to click on the link and sign in to their account. It also advises to check the spam folder if the email is not found in the inbox.


How can I sign in to my LinkedIn account?
You can sign in to your LinkedIn account with a one-time link.

What do I do if I forgot my password?
If you forgot your password, you can sign in with a one-time link.

How do I access my LinkedIn account with a one-time link?
You can access your LinkedIn account with a one-time link by clicking on the link that is emailed to your primary email address.

Where can I find the one-time link to sign in to my LinkedIn account?
You can find the one-time link to sign in to your LinkedIn account in an email sent to your primary email address.

What should I do if I don’t receive the one-time link in my inbox?
If you don’t receive the one-time link in your inbox, check your spam folder.

AI Comments

👍 It's great that LinkedIn provides users with such an easy and secure way to access their accounts!

👎 It's inconvenient that users are unable to simply remember their passwords and have to wait for a one-time link to be able to access their account.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how LinkedIn is introducing a one-time link to sign in to your account.

Friend: That's interesting. What implications does this have?

Me: Well, it means that users will no longer need to remember a password to access their accounts. This could be a great benefit for people who have multiple accounts and find it difficult to keep track of their passwords. It could also help improve security, as users will be less likely to use weak passwords or reuse the same one across multiple accounts. Finally, it could provide a more convenient way to access your account, as you won't need to find a password manager or remember all your passwords.

Action items

Technical terms

Sign in
The process of entering a username and password to access an account.
Discover people, jobs, and more
A feature of LinkedIn that allows users to search for people, jobs, and other information related to their interests.
Not you?
A prompt that appears when a user attempts to sign in with an incorrect username or password.
Forgot password?
A prompt that appears when a user has forgotten their password and needs to reset it.
Sign in with a one-time link
A feature of LinkedIn that allows users to sign in to their account using a one-time link sent to their primary email address.
We’ve emailed a one-time link
A notification that appears when a user has requested a one-time link to sign in to their account.
Primary email address
The email address associated with a user's account.
Click on the link to sign in instantly
A prompt that appears when a user has received a one-time link to sign in to their account.
Spam folder
A folder in an email account that stores emails that are considered to be spam.

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