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Spot Fleet


Spot Fleet is a set of Spot and On-Demand Instances that can be launched based on user criteria. It can be used as a one-time request and can include On-Demand Instance requests. The RequestSpotFleet API, on which Spot Fleet is based, is a legacy API. There are different Spot Fleet request types, configuration strategies, and CloudWatch metrics. Automatic scaling for Spot Fleet is also available.


What is a Spot Fleet?
A Spot Fleet is a set of Spot Instances and optionally On-Demand Instances that is launched based on criteria that you specify.

What is the recommended API to use for creating a Spot Fleet?
The recommended API to use for creating a Spot Fleet is either an Auto Scaling group or EC2 Fleet rather than Spot Fleet.

How does Spot Fleet maintain target capacity?
Spot Fleet maintains target capacity by launching replacement instances after Spot Instances in the fleet are terminated.

Can Spot Fleet requests persist after the instances have been terminated?
No, Spot Fleet requests do not persist after the instances have been terminated.

What are the topics discussed in the article?
The topics discussed in the article are Spot Fleet request types, Spot Fleet configuration strategies, working with Spot Fleets, CloudWatch metrics for Spot Fleet, Automatic scaling for Spot Fleet, and Document Conventions.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ Great article! I appreciate all the information and the clear instructions on how to use Spot Fleet in Amazon EC2.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article is a bit too long and confusing. It could use some simplification to make it easier to understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a feature from AWS called Spot Fleet. It's a set of Spot Instances and optionally On-Demand Instances that launch based on criteria specified by the user. It also talks about the different Spot Fleet request types, configuration strategies, and how to work with Spot Fleets.

Friend: That sounds like a useful feature. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article recommends that if you want to use a console to create a fleet that includes Spot Instances, you should use an Auto Scaling group rather than Spot Fleet. It also recommends using either an Auto Scaling group or EC2 Fleet if you want to use the AWS CLI. Additionally, the RequestSpotFleet API, which Spot Fleet is based on, is a legacy API with no planned investment. So, it might be best to use one of the other recommended APIs instead.

Action items

Technical terms

Spot Fleet
A set of Spot Instances and optionally On-Demand Instances that is launched based on criteria that you specify.
Amazon Web Services.
Information about a product or service that is provided to users.
Amazon EC2
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud.
User Guide for Linux Instances
A guide that provides information about how to use Amazon EC2 Linux instances.
RequestSpotFleet API
A legacy API used to create Spot Fleets.
Auto Scaling Group
A collection of EC2 instances that are monitored and scaled automatically based on user-defined criteria.
EC2 Fleet
A collection of EC2 instances that are managed as a single entity.
CloudWatch Metrics
A monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and applications.
Automatic Scaling
The process of automatically adjusting the number of EC2 instances in a fleet based on user-defined criteria.

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