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AWS WAF is a web application firewall that allows you to monitor and control access to your content. You can protect certain resource types with AWS WAF, such as Amazon CloudFront, API Gateway REST API, and Application Load Balancer. The document also covers topics such as web access control lists, rule groups, AWS WAF rules, logging AWS WAF web ACL traffic, testing and tuning your AWS WAF protections, and quotas. It also provides document conventions and feedback instructions.


What types of web application resources can be protected by AWS WAF?
Amazon CloudFront distribution, Amazon API Gateway REST API, Application Load Balancer, AWS AppSync GraphQL API, Amazon Cognito user pool, AWS App Runner service, and AWS Verified Access instance.

What types of criteria can be used to control access to content with AWS WAF?
IP addresses that requests originate from or the values of query strings.

How does AWS WAF work with Amazon CloudFront features?
AWS WAF works with Amazon CloudFront features to route and protect HTTP(S) layer 7 traffic across the tasks in your service.

What are the security considerations in the use of the AWS WAF service?
Security considerations include using HTTPS for all requests, using AWS WAF to protect against malicious requests, and using AWS WAF to protect against data leakage.

What options are available to migrate AWS WAF Classic resources to AWS WAF?
Options for migrating AWS WAF Classic resources to AWS WAF include using the AWS WAF Classic to AWS WAF migration API, using the AWS WAF Classic to AWS WAF migration CLI, and using the AWS WAF Classic to AWS WAF migration console.

AI Comments

👍 This article does a great job of introducing AWS WAF and providing detailed information about its features and use.

👎 The article could have been more user-friendly by providing more example scenarios of how AWS WAF can be used.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about AWS WAF, which is a web application firewall that helps protect your web application resources from malicious requests. It also discusses how to use it to control access to your content, how to set up web access control lists, rule groups, and AWS WAF rules, and how to log AWS WAF traffic.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the most important implication is that if you're running a web application, you need to consider using AWS WAF to protect your resources from malicious requests. Additionally, the article provides guidelines on setting up access control lists, rule groups, and other features, which can help you create a secure environment for your web application. Finally, it also provides information on logging and testing your protections, which can help you ensure that your web application is as secure as possible.

Action items

Technical terms

Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall, a web application firewall that monitors HTTP(S) requests and allows you to control access to your content.
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon's content delivery network (CDN) that speeds up the delivery of web content to users.
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon's service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing APIs.
Application Load Balancer
Amazon's service for distributing incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as Amazon EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses.
AWS AppSync GraphQL API
Amazon's service for building data-driven applications with real-time and offline capabilities.
Amazon Cognito user pool
Amazon's service for managing user identities and authentication.
AWS App Runner service
Amazon's service for running and managing containerized applications.
AWS Verified Access instance
Amazon's service for verifying user access to applications.
HTTP 403 status code
An HTTP status code indicating that the request was forbidden.
Web Access Control Lists (web ACLs)
A set of rules used to define which requests are allowed or blocked.
Rule groups
A collection of rules that are evaluated together to determine whether a request should be allowed or blocked.
AWS WAF rules
Rules that define which requests are allowed or blocked.
Regular expression pattern matching
A method of pattern matching that uses regular expressions to match strings of text.
IP sets and regex pattern sets
A set of IP addresses or regular expressions used to match strings of text.
Customized web requests and responses
Customized requests and responses that can be sent to or from a web application.
AWS WAF labels
Labels that can be used to identify requests and responses.
AWS WAF intelligent threat mitigation
A feature that uses machine learning to detect and block malicious requests.
Logging AWS WAF web ACL traffic
A feature that allows you to log all requests that are blocked or allowed by a web ACL.
Testing and tuning your AWS WAF protections
A feature that allows you to test and tune your AWS WAF protections.
Service Load Balancing
A feature of Amazon ECS that allows you to route and protect HTTP(S) layer 7 traffic across the tasks in your service.

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