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Workers at risk of AI radically changing their jobs aren't too worried about it


This article discusses a new Pew Research Center report which analyzed the degree to which different kinds of activities and jobs are exposed to artificial intelligence. It found that over 27 million Americans are in work where key activities involved in their job could be replaced or aided by AI. The report also found that workers in higher exposed industries don't necessarily feel AI's risks outweigh its benefits over the long term. Additionally, the article details how certain industries and workers have found AI tools helpful in their recent work and discusses the potential for jobs to be lost due to AI.


What did the Pew Research Center's analysis look at to figure out the degree of exposure of jobs to AI?
The Pew Research Center's analysis looked at different kinds of activities available on O*NET to figure out the degree of exposure of jobs to AI.

How many Americans are in work where key activities involved in their job could be replaced or aided by AI?
Over 27 million Americans are in work where key activities involved in their job could be replaced or aided by AI.

How did the Pew Research Center survey results illustrate workers' feelings about AI in their personal work long term?
The Pew Research Center survey results illustrated that workers who are relatively more exposed to AI also seem relatively less concerned about the impact of AI on them personally.

What did OpenAI CEO Sam Altman say about jobs being replaced by AI?
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said that jobs are definitely going to go away because of AI.

Has AI impacted your job in some way?
No, AI has not impacted my job in any way.

AI Comments

👍 This article does a great job of presenting a balanced view of how AI could affect workers in various industries. The survey results clearly show that workers in more exposed industries are less concerned about the impact of AI on them.

👎 This article fails to address the potential risks of AI displacing workers in the long term. The article does not provide any insight into the jobs that could be lost due to AI advancements.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how workers at risk of AI radically changing their jobs aren't too concerned about it. A Pew Research Center analysis highlights the degree to which jobs, industries, and workers might be exposed to AI. It found that over 27 million Americans are in work where key activities involved in their job could "be replaced or aided by artificial intelligence."

Friend: Wow, that's a lot of people! So, what are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the fact that while some workers may be concerned about how AI will affect them, a lower share of workers in industries that are more exposed to AI are less concerned about the long-term impact. This could be because those workers may be more familiar with the technology and see it as part of their job. On the other hand, it also raises the issue of job loss due to AI, as OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently said that this is going to happen to roles. So, it's important to be aware of the potential implications of AI on the future of work.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence.
The Occupational Information Network, a database of job information and skills developed by the US Department of Labor.
Current Population Survey
A survey conducted by the US Census Bureau that collects data on the labor force, employment, and unemployment.
A natural language processing tool developed by OpenAI.
Generative AI
A type of artificial intelligence that can generate new data from existing data.

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