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U.S. and Japan Strike Deal on Minerals Used in Batteries for Electric Cars


The U.S. and Japan have reached a trade agreement for minerals used in clean-energy technologies, such as batteries for electric cars. The agreement eliminates export duties on critical minerals and coordinates labor standards in producing minerals. It builds on a limited trade accord the two countries reached in 2019 and will be reviewed every two years.


What is the U.S. and Japan trade agreement for minerals used in clean-energy technologies?
The U.S. and Japan trade agreement for minerals used in clean-energy technologies is to not levy export duties on critical minerals they trade and coordinate labor standards in producing minerals.

What steps have the U.S. and Japan agreed to take in order to implement this agreement?
The U.S. and Japan have agreed not to levy export duties on critical minerals they trade and coordinate labor standards in producing minerals, among other steps.

How often will the U.S. and Japan review the minerals deal?
The U.S. and Japan will review the minerals deal every two years to see if they should end or change it.

What is the aim of the deal for Japan and the U.S.?
The aim of the deal for Japan and the U.S. is to allow Japan to meet sourcing requirements for new electric-vehicle subsidies in the U.S. and shifting energy supply chains away from China.

What other deals have the U.S. and Japan reached in recent years?
The U.S. and Japan reached a limited trade accord in 2019.

AI Comments

👍 This new agreement between the U.S. and Japan to not levy export duties on critical minerals and coordinate labor standards is a step in the right direction for clean-energy technologies and shifting energy supply chains away from China.

👎 This trade agreement between the U.S. and Japan does not address the underlying issues of the global energy crisis and does not provide any long-term solutions.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the U.S. and Japan striking a trade agreement for minerals used in clean-energy technologies. It's aimed at allowing Japan to meet sourcing requirements for new electric-vehicle subsidies in the U.S. and shifting energy supply chains away from China.

Friend: Wow, that's interesting. It's great that the U.S. and Japan are working together to promote green energy. It could have a huge impact on the environment.

Me: Absolutely. This agreement could also have a major economic impact, as it could increase demand for clean-energy technologies, create more jobs in the clean-energy industry, and stimulate economic growth. It could also reduce dependence on China for energy supply chains, which could be beneficial for the U.S. economy.

Action items

Technical terms

Lithium-ion batteries
A type of rechargeable battery commonly used in consumer electronics, such as laptops and cell phones.
Export duties
Taxes imposed on goods that are exported from one country to another.
Labor standards
The minimum requirements for working conditions, such as wages, hours of work, and safety regulations.
Trade accord
An agreement between two or more countries to reduce or eliminate trade barriers.
Financial assistance provided by the government to businesses or individuals to encourage certain activities, such as the production of electric vehicles.

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