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Why Hydrogen Cars Refuse to Die


Despite the prevalence of electric cars powered by batteries, companies are still investing in hydrogen cars, such as the Toyota Mirai. This article discusses why hydrogen cars have refused to die, and provides promotional codes for several popular brands.


What is the debate about electric cars?
The debate about electric cars is whether they should be powered by batteries or with hydrogen fuel cells.

Why are companies still investing in hydrogen cars?
Companies are still investing in hydrogen cars because they offer some advantages over electric cars.

What are some advantages of electric cars over hydrogen cars?
Some advantages of electric cars over hydrogen cars include lower costs, longer range, and faster charging times.

What are some benefits of hydrogen cars?
Some benefits of hydrogen cars include longer range, faster refueling times, and zero emissions.

What kind of discounts are available for electric and hydrogen cars?
Discounts available for electric and hydrogen cars include promo codes for 20% off online purchases, $10 Finish Line coupons with text signup, 20% off entire orders with Target promo codes, 20% off for students with Foot Locker coupons, and up to 60% off sale items with adidas promo codes.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an insightful look into the debate around electric and hydrogen cars, and how companies are continuing to invest in hydrogen cars.

👎 This article fails to provide a clear conclusion as to why companies are still investing in hydrogen cars, leaving readers without a clear understanding of the debate.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the debate between electric cars powered by batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. It looks like batteries have won out in recent years, but companies are still investing in hydrogen cars.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of that?

Me: Well, it suggests that hydrogen cars still have a place in the market despite the popularity of electric cars. It could mean that there's still a need for hydrogen cars, either due to cost or efficiency reasons. It could also mean that there's a lot of potential for further development of hydrogen cars, which could eventually make them more viable than electric cars.

Action items

Technical terms

Refers to electric cars powered by batteries, as opposed to hydrogen fuel cells.
Toyota Mirai
A hydrogen fuel cell car manufactured by Toyota.
Hydrogen fuel cells
A type of fuel cell that uses hydrogen as a fuel source to generate electricity.
WSJ subscription
A subscription to the Wall Street Journal, a financial newspaper.
DSW Promo Code
A promotional code offered by DSW, a shoe and accessories retailer.
Finish Line Coupon
A coupon offered by Finish Line, a shoe and apparel retailer.
Target Promo Code
A promotional code offered by Target, a retail store.
Foot Locker Coupon
A coupon offered by Foot Locker, a shoe and apparel retailer.
Nike Promo Code
A promotional code offered by Nike, a shoe and apparel retailer.
Adidas Promo Code
A promotional code offered by Adidas, a shoe and apparel retailer.

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