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Wiecej pieniedzy na premie technologiczna


Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej zwiększyło pulę przeznaczoną na konkurs "Kredyt technologiczny", który pozwala małym i średnim przedsiębiorstwom na wdrożenie technologii i wprowadzenie na rynek nowych produktów. Rozdzielone z funduszy unijnych wsparcie finansowe może pokryć nawet 100% kosztów kwalifikowanych projektu, a premie technologiczne są wyższe w regionach, które dynamicznie się rozwijają. Przedsiębiorcy muszą pamiętać o tym, aby ich inwestycja dotyczyła wdrożenia technologii, a nie tylko zakupu gotowego rozwiązania.


How much has the budget of the “Technological Credit” competition increased?
The budget of the “Technological Credit” competition has increased by 185 million PLN to 763 million PLN.

What criteria determined the granting of financial support to companies?
The criteria that determined the granting of financial support to companies were the implementation of new technology, including their own or purchased, and the introduction of a new or significantly improved product to the market.

What industries were the most successful in receiving financial support?
The industries that were the most successful in receiving financial support were the production of machines and equipment, modern building materials, and the food sector.

What mistakes did some entrepreneurs make when applying for funding?
Some entrepreneurs made the mistake of wanting to buy new equipment without intending to implement new technologies and produce a new or significantly improved product.

What financial support can a small business from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship receive for an investment of 1 million PLN?
A small business from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship can receive up to 70% of the cost of the project, or 700,000 PLN, for an investment of 1 million PLN.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great overview of the 'Kredyt Technologiczny' program and how it can help small businesses to invest in innovative technologies. It also provides useful information for future applicants on what criteria need to be met to be eligible for the program.

👎 The article does not provide enough information on what requirements need to be met to receive the refund of the costs of the project, and how the amount of the refund will be determined.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the increased budget for the "Technology Credit" competition created by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. Basically, the budget was increased from 578 million zł to 763 million zł and 300 applications were received from entrepreneurs.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot of applications! What are the main criteria for awarding the credit?

Me: The main criteria are the implementation of a new technology, either by creating or purchasing one, and the introduction of a new or significantly improved product into the market. The credit can cover up to 100% of the qualified project costs. Furthermore, the entrepreneurs have the chance to get a refund of up to 70% of the qualified project costs, depending on the region and size of the business.

Action items

Technical terms

Kredyt technologiczny
A loan provided by the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) to help businesses implement new technologies and bring new products to the market.
Premie technologiczna
A technology grant provided by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, which can cover up to 70% of the costs of a qualifying project.
Fundusze Europejskie dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki
European Funds for a Modern Economy, a program funded by the European Union to support businesses in implementing new technologies and bringing new products to the market.
Małe i Średnie Przedsiębiorstwa, or Small and Medium Enterprises, businesses with fewer than 250 employees.

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