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4.7.2023.- Juegos de Suma Cero


El artículo explora la idea de que la política puede ser un juego de suma positiva, en el que todos ganan, o un juego de suma cero, en el que el ganador se lleva todo. El autor discute la mentalidad de suma cero, que implica que la gente solo puede hacerse rica a expensas de otros. El World Values Survey ha incluido una pregunta sobre este tema en sus encuestas. El autor también analiza las posturas políticas relacionadas con la mentalidad de suma cero, y encuentra que los progresistas tienen mentalidad de suma cero, mientras que los conservadores la tienen de suma positiva. El artículo concluye con la idea de que el pensamiento de suma cero disminuye la confianza interpersonal y aumenta el sentimiento de que el sistema social es ilegítimo e injusto.


What is the difference between a "game of zero-sum" and a "game of positive-sum"?
A "game of zero-sum" is one in which the gain of one side is the loss of the other, meaning there is no increase in goods. A "game of positive-sum" is one in which all sides can gain, and the total amount of goods increases.

What is the "great political talent" in transforming conflicts into problems?
The great political talent in transforming conflicts into problems is the ability to find solutions that are mutually beneficial, rather than solutions that result in one side winning and the other losing.

How is the World Values Survey measuring attitudes towards zero-sum thinking?
The World Values Survey is measuring attitudes towards zero-sum thinking by asking respondents to choose between two statements, one that is zero-sum and one that is positive-sum.

What is the difference between Donald Trump and Bill Clinton's policies?
The difference between Donald Trump and Bill Clinton's policies is that Trump believes in a zero-sum approach, where one side must win and the other must lose, while Clinton believes in a win-win approach, where both sides can benefit.

Does progressive or conservative political positions have a greater tendency towards zero-sum thinking?
Progressive political positions have a greater tendency towards zero-sum thinking.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting insight into the concept of the "zero-sum game" and its implications for modern political policy. It is clear that the author has done extensive research into the topic and provided a clear and informative discussion on the topic.

👎 This article is overly long and could be more concise. In addition, the author fails to provide enough examples to illustrate the concept of the zero-sum game.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about the concept of "Zero-Sum Games" and "Positive-Sum Games" in politics, and how the way we think about the world is often based on zero-sum thinking. It also looks at how different political views can shape our thinking, and how this can lead to different outcomes. It also looks at how our attitudes towards different issues such as race, citizenship, trade, and income can be shaped by our zero-sum thinking.

Friend: That's really interesting. So what are the implications of this article?

Me: The article implies that our attitudes and beliefs can be shaped by the political views we hold, which can lead to different outcomes depending on which view we take. It also suggests that zero-sum thinking can limit our ability to see solutions that benefit everyone, rather than just one group or party. It suggests that we need to be aware of our own biases and try to look for solutions that work for everyone, rather than just one group. Finally, it suggests that win-win solutions are possible, but it requires us to think beyond the zero-sum mindset.

Action items

Technical terms

Juegos de Suma Cero
A type of game in which the gain of one player is offset by the loss of another, meaning that there is no increase in overall goods (e.g. robbery, conquest, sports, poker).
Juegos de Suma Positiva
A type of game in which all players can win, and the total amount of goods increases (e.g. trade, democracy).
Juegos de Suma Negativa
A type of game in which all players lose, and the total amount of goods decreases (e.g. wars).
World Values Survey (WVS)
A survey of 192,000 people in 72 countries that includes a question relating wealth to zero-sum thinking.
Pensamiento de Suma Cero
A belief that people can only become wealthy at the expense of others.
Politica Ancestral
A theory of politics proposed by Carl Schmitt, which emphasizes competition over cooperation and only allows for win-win solutions.

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