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Oil Industry’s Dirty Secret About Carbon Capture Plants


The oil and natural gas lobby has been pushing the idea of carbon capture plants as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, these plants require large amounts of energy and are not economically viable. Furthermore, most of the carbon dioxide captured is used for enhanced oil and gas recovery, meaning that more fossil fuels are being burned. This is a strategy to continue burning fossil fuels despite the risks of global warming, and is simply a re-branding exercise by the oil industry to buy a few more years of profligate consumption.


What is the "carbon con" being pushed by the fossil fuel industry?
The "carbon con" being pushed by the fossil fuel industry is the idea of carbon credits, a market-based "solution" to create carbon sinks, which do not actually work.

How is hydrogen being branded as "nature-friendly," and what is the dirty secret of the oil industry?
Hydrogen is being branded as "nature-friendly" by the oil industry by producing it from natural gas, which will also lead to large amounts of carbon emissions.

What are the drawbacks of using carbon capture plants?
The drawbacks of using carbon capture plants are that they require large amounts of energy, and if this energy is produced from fossil fuels, the net greenhouse output of plants producing blue hydrogen only adds to greenhouse gases.

What does the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change and action plans of governments suggest about carbon capture?
The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change and action plans of governments suggest that carbon capture is a viable technology, but it is not economically viable at scale or for the magnitude of the problem we face today.

What is the history of carbon capture, and why is it being presented as a solution to global warming?
The history of carbon capture is that it was suggested as a techno-fix in the 80s to the problem of carbon emissions from power plants and, therefore, global warming, but it faded away as a viable energy sector technology after the 80s. It is now being presented as a solution to global warming as a strategy to continue burning natural gas, oil and coal.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth look at the oil industry's attempts to greenwash their carbon emissions and shows the problems posed by continued fossil fuel usage.

👎 This article paints a bleak picture of the future and makes it seem like the oil industry is beyond redemption.

AI Discussion

Me: It’s about the oil industry's dirty secret about carbon capture plants. It explains how carbon capture plants are being used to produce hydrogen for fuel, which is being branded as green, blue, brown, and grey hydrogen. The article also explains how carbon capture plants require a lot of energy and how it doesn't make economic sense to use them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It sounds like the oil industry is using carbon capture plants as a way to continue burning fossil fuels and make it seem like they are taking steps to reduce emissions.

Me: Exactly. The article points out that carbon capture plants were suggested as a techno-fix in the 80s, but they have never been economically viable. Now, the oil and gas industry is using the technology to buy a few more years of profligate consumption. It's a way for them to greenwash their emissions and continue business as usual, regardless of the risks it poses to humanity.

Action items

Technical terms

Fossil Fuel
A fuel formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
Carbon Capture
A process of capturing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in a secure location.
Global Warming
The increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans.
Oil and Gas Industry
The industry that produces and distributes oil and gas products.
Carbon Exchange
A market where carbon credits are traded.
Fuel Trade
The buying and selling of fuels such as oil, gas, and coal.
Organic compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon.
Carbon Sink
A natural or artificial reservoir that absorbs and stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Carbon Credit
A tradable certificate or permit that represents the right to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas.
Energy Consumption
The amount of energy used by a particular person, group, or country.
Clean Fuel
A fuel that produces fewer pollutants than traditional fossil fuels.
A colorless, odorless, flammable gas that is the most abundant element in the universe.

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