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Adios al mito del joven emprendedor: los mayores de 50 anos son los innovadores mas radicales


This article looks at the myth that young entrepreneurs are the only ones capable of innovating. It provides evidence that older entrepreneurs often bring to the table a wealth of experience and resources that can be used to create revolutionary changes and developments in technology. Data shows that for every 10 years of age, there is a 30% increase in the likelihood of introducing radical innovations to the market. In addition, older entrepreneurs have the potential to bring in 35,000 more euros per year in sales from their innovations. The article concludes by advocating for more support for older entrepreneurs and for companies to recognize the potential of their older workers to drive innovation.


What evidence is there that entrepreneurs over the age of 50 are more likely to introduce radical or disruptive innovations to the market?
The evidence suggests that entrepreneurs over the age of 50 are more likely to introduce radical or disruptive innovations to the market because they have more experience in management and more personal wealth, which increases their ability to create innovations and develop new products or services.

What types of innovations are typically introduced by younger entrepreneurs?
Younger entrepreneurs typically introduce more common innovations that focus on improving processes and product offerings within a specific company. These can include creating new software to reduce costs, using new technologies to reduce production time, or introducing new features to make a product or service easier to use.

How can governments benefit from the experience of older entrepreneurs?
Governments can benefit from the experience of older entrepreneurs by breaking the stereotype that only young people have entrepreneurial spirit and taking concrete measures such as creating pension plans that encourage people to work longer as entrepreneurs and promoting professional mobility.

How does age affect an entrepreneur’s ability to introduce innovative products and services?
Age affects an entrepreneur’s ability to introduce innovative products and services by increasing the likelihood of introducing a market innovation by up to 30% for every 10 years of age. It also increases sales by up to 35,000 euros per year from innovations, which is around 26% more than the average.

What should established companies do to encourage innovation among their older workers?
Established companies should challenge stereotypes about older workers and create work environments where they are the ones driving innovative changes with their original ideas and extensive skills.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides valuable insight into how we can make better use of our aging population and harness their experience and skills to benefit the economy. It's great to see that older entrepreneurs are proving to be just as innovative and disruptive as their younger counterparts.

👎 This article does not consider the potential drawbacks of having older entrepreneurs in the business world. It may be difficult for them to keep up with new technologies and trends, which can limit their ability to innovate.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how older entrepreneurs can be more innovative and radical than younger entrepreneurs. It points out that entrepreneurs over the age of 50 are more likely to introduce radical innovations to the market, and that this can have a positive impact on the economy.

Friend: That's really interesting! So what are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that we need to break the stereotype of young entrepreneurs and recognize the value of the skills and experience of older entrepreneurs. It also suggests that businesses should create environments that support older workers and allow them to use their ideas to drive innovation. Finally, it encourages governments to offer incentives for older entrepreneurs to stay in the workforce.

Action items

Technical terms

The act of starting a business or enterprise.
The process of introducing something new or different.
Discrimination based on age.
Gestión empresarial
The practice of managing a business or organization.
An older person.

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