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Delegacion del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Genero Por una sociedad libre de violencia de genero


La Delegación del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Género ha financiado un estudio titulado "Mujer, Discapacidad y Violencia de Género", llevado a cabo por la Federación de Mujeres Progresistas, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar la situación de las mujeres con discapacidad en relación con la violencia de género tanto desde la perspectiva de las víctimas como de las mujeres con discapacidad que no son víctimas de violencia de género, con el fin de diseñar medidas y actuaciones para prevenir y detectar precozmente los casos de violencia de género y facilitar el acceso a los recursos especializados. La publicación incluye información útil para la mujer y su entorno, sensibilización y concienciación sobre la violencia de género, profesionales, estadísticas, encuestas, estudios e investigaciones, y otras formas de violencia contra la mujer.


What is the purpose of the study "Mujer, discapacidad y violencia de genero"?
The purpose of the study "Mujer, discapacidad y violencia de genero" is to analyze the situation of women with disabilities in relation to gender violence, both from the perspective of victims and of women with disabilities who are not victims of gender violence in order to design measures and actions that contribute to the prevention and early detection of cases of gender violence and facilitate their access to specialized resources.

What is the Autoria of the publication "Violencia contra las Mujeres"?
The Autoria of the publication "Violencia contra las Mujeres" is Federacion de Mujeres Progresistas (investigadora principal: Esther Castellanos Torres).

What are the objectives of the Delegacion del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Genero?
The objectives of the Delegacion del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Genero are to promote and finance the study "Mujer, discapacidad y violencia de genero", to raise awareness and awareness of society, to provide useful information to women and their environment, and to provide statistics, surveys, studies and research on other forms of violence against women.

What are the languages in which the publication is available?
The languages in which the publication is available are Spanish.

What are the contents of the publication?
The contents of the publication include information on how to detect and what to do about gender violence, sensitization and awareness of society, professionals, statistics, surveys, studies and research, and other forms of violence against women. It also includes a summary, a map of the website, a guide to navigation, a legal notice, accessibility information, and a download of the publication in Spanish.

AI Comments

👍 La publicación del Ministerio de Igualdad sobre violencia de género es una excelente fuente de información y sensibilización sobre la situación de la mujer y la discapacidad.

👎 Esta publicación no aborda de manera adecuada los otros tipos de violencia que afectan a la mujer.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Delegacion del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Genero and their efforts to make society free of gender-based violence. They provide useful information about how to detect and what to do, and they also provide sensitization and awareness campaigns. They also look into other forms of violence against women, as well as violence against women with disabilities.

Friend: Wow, that's really important. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article has several implications, including the need for more awareness and education campaigns regarding gender-based violence and violence against women with disabilities. It also highlights the need for specialized resources to support victims of violence and to provide better access to justice. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for improved research and data to better understand the issue and inform the development of effective policies and interventions. Finally, it shows the importance of creating safe spaces for women with disabilities, so they can report incidents and access much-needed support.

Action items

Technical terms

Delegacion del Gobierno contra la Violencia de Genero
This is a government delegation in Spain that works to combat gender-based violence.
Sensibilizacion y concienciacion
Sensibilization and awareness are terms used to describe the process of educating people about gender-based violence and its effects.
Professionals refers to people who are trained and experienced in dealing with gender-based violence, such as social workers, counselors, and law enforcement officers.
Estadisticas, encuestas, estudios e investigaciones
Statistics, surveys, studies, and research are methods used to collect data and analyze the prevalence of gender-based violence.
Violencia contra las Mujeres: This is the title of the publication produced by the Spanish government delegation to combat gender-based violence.
Federacion de Mujeres Progresistas: This is the author of the publication, the Federation of Progressive Women.
Ministerio de Igualdad: This is the publisher of the publication, the Ministry of Equality.
Ano publicacion
2020: This is the year the publication was published.
Numero de paginas
110: This is the number of pages in the publication.
048200300: This is the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (NIPO) code for the publication.
espanol: This is the language the publication is written in, Spanish.
Descarga de la publicacion
version en castellano: This is the download link for the publication in Spanish.
Resumen ejectutivo
This is an executive summary of the publication.
© Ministerio de Igualdad
This is the copyright notice for the publication.
Mapa web
This is a website map, which is a list of the pages on a website.
Guia de navegacion
This is a navigation guide, which is a list of links to help users navigate a website.
Aviso legal
This is a legal notice, which is a statement of the legal terms and conditions of a website.
This is accessibility, which is the ability of a website to be used by people with disabilities.

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