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Por cada 100 hombres pobres en RD, hay 136 mujeres en igual condicion


El Boletin de Pobreza Monetaria 2022 del Ministerio de Economia, Planificacion y Desarrollo (MEPyD) revela que hay 136 mujeres en condiciones de pobreza por cada 100 hombres, mostrando una gran brecha de género en la calidad de vida. Esto se debe a la limitada penetración de las mujeres en el mercado laboral formal, su carga doméstica y su desigual paga respecto a los hombres. El ministro de Economia, Pavel Isa, destacó la reducción de la pobreza en todos los niveles gracias a la recuperación de los empleos y el crecimiento de varios sectores. Se espera que con el Boletin 2022 se focalicen políticas públicas para impulsar el bienestar, especialmente de los segmentos más vulnerables.


What is the Boletin de Pobreza Monetaria 2022 from the Ministerio de Economia, Planificacion y Desarrollo indicating?
The Boletin de Pobreza Monetaria 2022 from the Ministerio de Economia, Planificacion y Desarrollo is indicating a decrease in the gender gap.

What is the new methodology for calculating population wellbeing?
The new methodology for calculating population wellbeing is that a household of three people is considered poor if their income is 22,176 pesos per month.

How many hours per week do women work compared to men?
Women work 50 hours per week compared to men who work 47 hours per week.

What is the percentage of men and women in poverty?
The percentage of men in poverty is 25.84%, while the percentage of women in poverty is 29.37%.

What initiatives are being implemented to promote general wellbeing?
Initiatives being implemented to promote general wellbeing include the Programa de Ayuda Familiar Estudiantil (PAE) and other policies that focus on the most vulnerable segments of the population.

AI Comments

👍 The new report on poverty in the Dominican Republic is helping to raise awareness of the gender gap in poverty and the disparities between men and women in terms of their quality of life.

👎 Despite new government programs aimed at reducing poverty, the overall poverty rate has only decreased slightly and the gender gap remains wide.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about poverty levels in the Dominican Republic. The new Boletin de Pobreza Monetaria 2022 from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development reveals that for every 100 poor men in the country, there are 136 poor women in the same condition. It also highlights that women are the ones who work the most, but are the poorest when it comes to quality of life.

Friend: Wow, that's really concerning. What are the implications of this new report?

Me: Well, the report indicates that women are facing an increasing challenge to overcome poverty in the coming years due to several factors such as low penetration in the formal labor market and the burden of the home, which represents more than 50% of their physical and time effort. This is compounded by the fact that women are paid less than men for the same amount of work. The report also highlights the need for better public policies that can focus on improving the general welfare of the population.

Action items

Technical terms

Un estado de carencia económica, en el que una persona no tiene los recursos necesarios para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.
Una rama de la economía que se ocupa del estudio de los agregados económicos, como el PIB, el empleo, la inflación y el comercio internacional.
Brecha de género
La diferencia entre los derechos, oportunidades y recursos disponibles para hombres y mujeres.
Un conjunto de principios, procedimientos y prácticas para llevar a cabo una investigación científica.
Fuerza de trabajo
La cantidad de personas disponibles para trabajar en una economía.
Una situación laboral en la que un trabajador no está protegido por la legislación laboral, como los salarios mínimos, los descansos, la seguridad social, etc.

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