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Working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functionin...


This article explores the effects of working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning. It includes a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of the training, profiles of executive functions, developmental trajectories, infant precursors of executive functions, caregiver-reported executive functions, the influence of emotion on executive functions, language and executive functions, neurocognitive functions, and evaluating working memory training.


What is the focus of the article?
The focus of the article is working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning.

What is the purpose of the meta-analysis conducted in the article?
The purpose of the meta-analysis conducted in the article is to evaluate the effects of working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning.

What are executive functions and how do they relate to intellectual disabilities?
Executive functions are cognitive processes that are responsible for planning, problem solving, and decision making. They are related to intellectual disabilities because they are important for learning and academic success.

What are the effects of working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning?
The effects of working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning are improved executive functions, improved language and executive function skills, and improved neurocognitive functioning.

What are the infant precursors of executive functions?
The infant precursors of executive functions include caregiver-reported executive function skills, the influence of emotion regulation, and language and executive function skills.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth analysis of the effects of working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning. It contains important information on executive function and developmental trajectories that can be used to inform interventions.

👎 The article is overly long and relies heavily on technical language, making it difficult to access for lay readers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about working memory training in children with borderline intellectual functioning. It looks at how the training can help improve executive functions, language and neurocognitive functions in these children.

Friend: Wow, that's fascinating. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that working memory training could be helpful in improving executive functions, language and neurocognitive functions in children with borderline intellectual functioning. This could be beneficial for their development and overall cognitive ability. However, further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of this training.

Action items

Technical terms

Executive Function
A set of cognitive processes that help to regulate, control, and manage cognitive activities, such as planning, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making.
A statistical technique used to combine the results of multiple studies to draw a conclusion.
Developmental Trajectory
The path of development that a person follows over time.
Infant Precursors
Early signs or indicators of a future development.
Caregiver-Reported Executive Function
A measure of executive function based on reports from a caregiver.
Language and Executive Function
The relationship between language and executive function, which is the ability to plan, organize, and manage cognitive activities.
Neurocognitive Function
The ability of the brain to process information and make decisions.
Working Memory Training
A type of cognitive training that focuses on improving working memory, which is the ability to store and manipulate information in the short-term.
Evaluating Working Memory Training
The process of assessing the effectiveness of working memory training.

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