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Children’s trust in and learning from voice assistants.


This article explores children's trust in and learning from voice assistants. It examines the lexico-semantic structure of language, early grammatical markers, the influence of culture on language development, members of underrepresented groups, young children inferring meaning, guilt promoting honesty, residential mobility, the intriguing role of parents, executive control theory, the unity and diversity of parenting, Chinese mothers' parenting styles, mothers and friends in early childhood, social development, and revisiting the intriguing role of parents.


What is the title of the article?
Children’s trust in and learning from voice assistants.

What topics does the article cover?
Lexico-semantic structure, early grammatical markers, children's trust in voice assistants, influence of colour, members of underrepresented groups, young children inferring meaning, guilt promoting honesty, residential mobility, executive control theory, unity and diversity of parenting, Chinese mothers' parenting styles, mothers and friends in social development, and becoming social.

How do young children trust and learn from voice assistants?
Young children trust and learn from voice assistants by inferring meaning from the words they hear and by valuing honesty.

What influence does colour have on children's trust in voice assistants?
Colour has an influence on children's trust in voice assistants by affecting their perception of the assistant's credibility.

What role do mothers play in children's social development?
Mothers play a role in children's social development by providing guidance and support, and by helping them to form relationships with friends.

AI Comments

👍 This article contains a wealth of information about the trust children have in voice assistants and their learning capabilities. It provides a comprehensive look at the research and evidence on the subject, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking for more information.

👎 The article is overly long and dense, making it difficult for readers to access and understand the information it contains. It also doesn't provide any practical advice or advice for parents or teachers looking to foster a more trusting relationship between children and voice assistants.

AI Discussion

Me: It looks at children's trust in and learning from voice assistants. It talks about the implications of this technology for young children and how it might shape their learning.

Friend: That's interesting. What kind of implications does it discuss?

Me: The article looks at how voice assistants can be used to introduce children to language and literacy skills, and how they can be used to teach children moral principles and values. It also looks at how voice assistants might influence children's development of executive control skills, and how they might impact the influence of parents and other adults in their lives.

Action items

Technical terms

Lexico-semantic structure
The structure of words and their meanings.
Early grammatical markers
Grammatical markers used in early language development.
Subscription Order Information
Information about how to subscribe to a publication.
Underrepresented Groups
Groups of people who are not adequately represented in a particular field or area.
E-Mail Notification
A notification sent via email.
A feeling of remorse or regret for having done something wrong.
Residential Mobility
The movement of people from one place of residence to another.
Executive Control Theory
A theory that suggests that executive control processes are responsible for the regulation of behavior.
Unity and Diversity
The idea that different elements can be unified while still maintaining their individual characteristics.
Chinese Mothers’ Parenting
The parenting style of Chinese mothers.
Be(com)ing Social
Developing social skills.

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