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Empowering Children and Young People as Researchers: Overcoming Barriers and Building Capacity


This article examines children-as-researchers, a concept pioneered by the Children’s Research Centre (CRC) at the Open University in the UK. It explores the impact of child-led research, with regards to both the body of knowledge on childhoods and children's lived experiences, and how it can be influential in policy and practice contexts. It looks at the challenges and outcomes of child-led research, as well as the issues of empowerment and rights, and provides examples of children’s research. The article also examines the use of ethical symmetry and other research methods, and discusses the benefits of involving children in social policy, service planning, delivery, and evaluation.


What is the concept of children-as-researchers explored in this article?
The concept of children-as-researchers explored in this article is the idea of empowering children and young people to take part in research and to have a voice in the research process.

What are the implications of child-led research?
The implications of child-led research are that it can provide valuable insights into the lived experiences of children and young people, and can help to inform policy and practice decisions.

How does child-led research contribute to the body of knowledge on childhoods?
Child-led research contributes to the body of knowledge on childhoods by providing a unique perspective on the issues that affect children and young people.

How can child-led research influence policy and practice?
Child-led research can influence policy and practice by providing evidence-based information that can be used to inform decision-making.

What challenges and outcomes does the article discuss in relation to empowering children and young people as researchers?
The article discusses issues, challenges and outcomes in relation to empowering children and young people as researchers, such as the need to ensure that children are given the opportunity to participate in research, the need to ensure that research is conducted ethically, and the need to ensure that research is meaningful and effective.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of children-as-researchers and its potential impact on policy and practice.

👎 The article is overly technical and jargon-filled, making it difficult for readers to understand and appreciate its arguments.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the concept of empowering children and young people as researchers and the pioneering work of the Children's Research Centre at the Open University. It talks about issues, challenges and outcomes related to child-led research and how it can influence policy and practice.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the importance of empowering children and young people as researchers and the need to create an environment that fosters their autonomy. It also suggests that child-led research can be influential in terms of policy and practice, which could lead to positive changes in the way we approach childhood and the lived experiences of children.

Action items

Technical terms

Child Indicators Research
A journal that publishes research on the well-being of children and youth.
A brief summary of the main points of an article, typically found at the beginning of the article.
Metrics details
Information about the article, such as the number of accesses and citations.
Subscription content
Content that is only available to those who have paid for a subscription.
Instant access
The ability to access content immediately after purchase.
A list of sources used in the article.
The process of enabling people to gain control over their own lives.
Rights framework
A set of laws and regulations that protect the rights of individuals.
Child-led research
Research conducted by children, for children.
Policy and practice contexts
The environment in which policies and practices are developed and implemented.
A set of moral principles that guide decision-making.
Social research
Research that focuses on the social aspects of a particular issue.
Participation rights
The right of individuals to take part in decision-making processes.
Research methods
The techniques used to collect and analyze data.
Transformative approaches
Approaches that seek to bring about change.
Generational issues
Issues that affect different generations in different ways.
Social learning
Learning that takes place in a social context.
Lasting over a long period of time.

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