Deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform - Part 1

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A tutorial in which we deploy a Dockerized Flask API to Google Cloud Run, while provisioning the required infrastructure with Terraform.

Florian Maas

June 19, 2022

Reading time 15 minutes

When deploying an API (or any other product) to the cloud, it's recommended to provision your infrastructure using an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool. There are many advantages of using IaC over manually configuring your cloud environment, such as simple reproducibility and the ability to keep multiple staging environments consistent with each other. A commonly used IaC tool is Terraform . In this tutorial, we will use Terraform to deploy a Flask API.

All code created during this tutorial can be found on GitHub in the following repositories:



Let's get started!

1. Building our Flask app

Before we can deploy anything to the cloud, we will first need to build an app that we can deploy. In order to do so, we create a new directory called cloudrun-example-api and initiate a Python environment. In this tutorial, we will use Poetry to create the environment and manage our dependencies.

To create a new environment with Poetry, run:

Fill in the command prompts, add flask to the environment and then start a shell session:

For this project, we will use a very small Flask API that simply returns "Hello, World!" when it recieves a request. To do so, we create a file called with the following contents:

Once we have created this file, we can test our API by running flask:

And we see the following output in our console:

Now that our API is running, we should see Hello, World! displayed if we visit in our browser.

As the warning tells us, we should not use the development server that Flask uses by default in production. Instead, we should use a WSGI server like Gunicorn . For more information on this subject, see e.g. this page of the Flask documentation. To use Gunicorn, we have to add it to the environment first:

Now, we can run our Flask application using Gunicorn as our WSGI server with the following command:

Great, our API is working! If we want to deploy our API to Google Cloud Run, we will need to Dockerize it first.

2. Dockerizing our Flask app

To Dockerize our Flask app, make sure you have Docker installed and the Docker daemon running.

Then, we simply add a file named Dockerfile to our directory with the following contents:

One thing to notice here is that we first copy the files poetry.lock and pyproject.toml and use them to install the environment, and that we only copy the rest of the files - in this case - later. The reason for this is that we want to leverage the build cache . If we have built our image once, and later we make some changes to our API without making modifcations to the environment, for example by adding a .py file or by modifying , there is no need to install the environment again. Docker will recognize that poetry.lock and pyproject.toml have not changed since the latest build, and use a cached image to speed up the build process.

Another thing to notice is that we use PORT as an environment variable, which is not strictly necessary at this point. However, Google Cloud Run will inject the PORT environment variable into the container once we deploy it there, and it's recommended to "listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable rather than a specific hardcoded port" [ source ] .

When we are finished writing the Dockerfile, we can build our docker image with:

And once that is finished, we can run this image in a Docker container with:

Verify that your container is running by checking if it shows up in the list of containers when running docker ps , and verify that you can access the API by again by visiting https://localhost:5000 in your browser.

We can also verify that our Flask API works with the injected PORT variable, by passing another port to the --env argument and also changing the port that the Docker container should publish:

Now that we have Dockerized our container, it is time to set up our cloud infrastructure.

3. Setting-up a service account

Preferably, we don't want individual users to have the ability to make changes to the infrastructure in the cloud. Instead, we will use a service account and grant that account the required permissions. In a later phase, we can add the credentials of this service account to a CI/CD pipeline that triggers our deployments. For now however, we will create a service account and simply use it from our local machine.

Before we can actually start building our infrastructure, we will need to create a project. We can do so by following the instructions here on GCP. In this tutorial, we will use the project name my-cloudrun-api , so don't forget to replace that in the commands that will follow below if you have chosen a different project name. Once we have a project, head over to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) and create a service account with the name infrastructure .

Then, navigate to IAM & Admin > IAM ( link ) and grant your service account the following permissions:


Artifact Registry Administrator

Cloud Run Admin

Project IAM Admin

Service Usage Admin

Alright! Now that we have created a service account with the permissions to provision our infrastructure, it's time to actually define our infrastructure.

4. Building our cloud infrastructure with Terraform

The first thing that we need to do is install Terraform by following the intructions here .

Once the installation process is finished, we create a new directory called cloudrun-example-infra outside of the cloudrun-example-api directory that we have created earlier:

Within cloudrun-example-infra , we create a file called , and initiate our file with the following contents:

We specify google-beta as our require provider , and configure it with our project-specific variables. The reason for choosing google-beta instead of google is that we want to use the Artifact Registry for uploading our Docker images, but currently the resource google_artifact_registry_repository is only available in google-beta . If by the time you read this the warning on this page is no longer there, you can safely use the regular google provider.

We also need to define the variables that we have created by creating a file called in the same directory with the following contents:

Here, project_id is the name of our GCP project, and the region and zones are set to locations that are geographically close to me. You might want to choose another region and zone. For a list of available regions and zones, see here .

In order to set-up and configure features like Cloud Run, we need to enable their corresponding API's . This can be achieved by navigating to the services in the UI, but since we want to omit as many manual steps as possible, we will use Terraform to enable those services for us instead. To do so, we add the following to :

This enables the IAM, Artifact Registry, Cloud Run and Cloud Resource Manager respectively. However, the changes of enabling this take some time to propagate through Google's systems. Therefore, if we were to call them directly we would likely run into errors. Simply using the depends_on meta-argument also does not suffice, since any resources depending on enabling these API's will be triggered once the API's are enabled, not once the changes have been propagated through the systems.

Therefore, we use an intermediate time_sleep resource, that will be triggered once our API's have been enabled. We can then add this resource to the depends_on argument of other resources to trigger them 30 seconds after the API's have been enabled.

Now we can use the API's to create more resources for us. Firstly, we will create the Artifact Repository to which we can push our Docker images. Along with the repository, we also create a service account called docker-pusher , and give it the roles/artifactregistry.writer role for this repository, so it can push images to the repository.

And we add the following to :

The last thing that we need to do is publish our image through Cloud Run. For this, we use google_cloud_run_service , and as the argument for image we pass "${var.project_id}/${var.repository}/${var.docker_image}" , so our resource will expect to find an image that we defined in within our created Artifact Registry repository. We also pass some arguments to use containers with small memory usage, and we should never have to scale to more than one instance for this simple API. Lastly, we create a noauth policy and apply it to our newly created Cloud Run API so our API is open to the public, and we return the URL on which our API is available.

And we add the following to :

Now that we have created our Terraform script, we can start using it to provision our infrastructure.

5. Provisioning our cloud infrastructure with Terraform

Earlier, we created a service account that has the right permissions to provision our infrastrcture. Within the Google Cloud Platform, navigate back to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) , and click the three dots in the Actions column for your service account. Select Manage Keys , and then Add Key > New Key . Choose JSON as the Key Type , and this should trigger the download of a file to your local machine. Copy this file to the directory in which you have created your and files, and rename it to infra_service_account.json . Next, create a file called .env with the following contents:

It is also possible to hard-code the path to the service account into your file, but I prefer the approach of using enviornment variables since it's easier to modify our configuration when we want to provision our infrastructure through CI/CD later.

Before we create our infrastructure, let's see if our configuration does not contain any mistakes. First, we initialize our directory with

and then we validate our files with

which outputs:

Great! This means we can now create our infrastructure:

After about a minute, this will now return an error:

This error is expected, since we configured our infrastructure to look for an image called my-api within docker-repository , but we have not created that yet. The preceding steps have run succesfully however, so if we navigate to Artifact Registry in the UI, we find that our repository has been created. This means that we can now push our Docker image to the repository to finalize our set-up.

6. Pushing the Docker image to Artifact Registry on Google Cloud

In order to push our Docker image to the cloud, we first need to download the key for the service account docker-pusher that we created with Terraform. If you head over to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) , you should be able to see the new service account there. Create and download a service account key in the JSON format, similarly to how we did that for the infrastructure account earlier. Rename it to docker_service_account.json and store it in the same directory as and Dockerfile .

Now, we want to run commands in the command line with the permissions of our service account. In order to do so, we will use the Google Cloud CLI . Installation instructions can be found here . After that is installed we can add a configuration called docker-pusher with the following commands:

You can see your active and other available configurations with the command

Once we verified that our docker-pusher configuration is active, we should register gcloud as the credential helper for all Google-supported Docker registries with the following command:

Then, we tag our Docker image cloudrun-example-api with a tag in the form of

which in our case becomes:

And we can then push that image to the Artifact Registry with:

If this step runs succesfully, you should now be able to see your docker image in the docker-repository repository in the Artifact Registry section on GCP.

7. Finishing up and Testing our API

This means we can now finalize deploying our API. Navigate to your directory containing , and apply your files once again:

This time, since our Docker image is available to the google_cloud_run_service component, we should not get any errors. Instead we should see the following output:

Click the link or copy and paste the URL in your browser and you should see the text Hello, World! displayed. Awesome, our API is working!

We have made some good progress in building our reproducible cloud environment and we have removed a lot of manual steps from the process. Imagine having three environments (development, acceptance and production) and having to set up all the resources by hand through the UI. And imagine having to make sure that these environments keep being consistent when multiple people are making changes to the infrastructure. With our Infrastructure-as-Code, this has become a lot more manageable.

And yet, this is also where there is still some room for improvement: It would be great if we can facilitate the deployment to multiple staging environments through our Terraform files. And ideally we would have the deployment of our infrastructure incorporated in a CI/CD pipeline, for example through GitHub Actions. However, we've already accomplished quite a lot in this tutorial, so we'll leave these improvement for later tutorials.

I hope this post was helpful to you, please let me know if you have any feedback!

Created by Florian Maas , © 2022.

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Home. Projects. Blog. About. CV. A tutorial in which we deploy a Dockerized Flask API to Google Cloud Run, while provisioning the required infrastructure with Terraform. Florian Maas. June 19, 2022. Reading time 15 minutes. When deploying an API (or any other product) to the cloud, it's recommended to provision your infrastructure using an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool. There are many advantages of using IaC over manually configuring your cloud environment, such as simple reproducibility and the ability to keep multiple staging environments consistent with each other. A commonly used IaC tool is Terraform . In this tutorial, we will use Terraform to deploy a Flask API. All code created during this tutorial can be found on GitHub in the following repositories: cloudrun-example-api. cloudrun-example-infra. Let's get started! 1. Building our Flask app. Before we can deploy anything to the cloud, we will first need to build an app that we can deploy. In order to do so, we create a new directory called cloudrun-example-api and initiate a Python environment. In this tutorial, we will use Poetry to create the environment and manage our dependencies. To create a new environment with Poetry, run: Fill in the command prompts, add flask to the environment and then start a shell session: For this project, we will use a very small Flask API that simply returns "Hello, World!" when it recieves a request. To do so, we create a file called with the following contents: Once we have created this file, we can test our API by running flask: And we see the following output in our console: Now that our API is running, we should see Hello, World! displayed if we visit in our browser. As the warning tells us, we should not use the development server that Flask uses by default in production. Instead, we should use a WSGI server like Gunicorn . For more information on this subject, see e.g. this page of the Flask documentation. To use Gunicorn, we have to add it to the environment first: Now, we can run our Flask application using Gunicorn as our WSGI server with the following command: Great, our API is working! If we want to deploy our API to Google Cloud Run, we will need to Dockerize it first. 2. Dockerizing our Flask app. To Dockerize our Flask app, make sure you have Docker installed and the Docker daemon running. Then, we simply add a file named Dockerfile to our directory with the following contents: One thing to notice here is that we first copy the files poetry.lock and pyproject.toml and use them to install the environment, and that we only copy the rest of the files - in this case - later. The reason for this is that we want to leverage the build cache . If we have built our image once, and later we make some changes to our API without making modifcations to the environment, for example by adding a .py file or by modifying , there is no need to install the environment again. Docker will recognize that poetry.lock and pyproject.toml have not changed since the latest build, and use a cached image to speed up the build process. Another thing to notice is that we use PORT as an environment variable, which is not strictly necessary at this point. However, Google Cloud Run will inject the PORT environment variable into the container once we deploy it there, and it's recommended to "listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable rather than a specific hardcoded port" [ source ] . When we are finished writing the Dockerfile, we can build our docker image with: And once that is finished, we can run this image in a Docker container with: Verify that your container is running by checking if it shows up in the list of containers when running docker ps , and verify that you can access the API by again by visiting https://localhost:5000 in your browser. We can also verify that our Flask API works with the injected PORT variable, by passing another port to the --env argument and also changing the port that the Docker container should publish: Now that we have Dockerized our container, it is time to set up our cloud infrastructure. 3. Setting-up a service account. Preferably, we don't want individual users to have the ability to make changes to the infrastructure in the cloud. Instead, we will use a service account and grant that account the required permissions. In a later phase, we can add the credentials of this service account to a CI/CD pipeline that triggers our deployments. For now however, we will create a service account and simply use it from our local machine. Before we can actually start building our infrastructure, we will need to create a project. We can do so by following the instructions here on GCP. In this tutorial, we will use the project name my-cloudrun-api , so don't forget to replace that in the commands that will follow below if you have chosen a different project name. Once we have a project, head over to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) and create a service account with the name infrastructure . Then, navigate to IAM & Admin > IAM ( link ) and grant your service account the following permissions: Editor. Artifact Registry Administrator. Cloud Run Admin. Project IAM Admin. Service Usage Admin. Alright! Now that we have created a service account with the permissions to provision our infrastructure, it's time to actually define our infrastructure. 4. Building our cloud infrastructure with Terraform. The first thing that we need to do is install Terraform by following the intructions here . Once the installation process is finished, we create a new directory called cloudrun-example-infra outside of the cloudrun-example-api directory that we have created earlier: Within cloudrun-example-infra , we create a file called , and initiate our file with the following contents: We specify google-beta as our require provider , and configure it with our project-specific variables. The reason for choosing google-beta instead of google is that we want to use the Artifact Registry for uploading our Docker images, but currently the resource google_artifact_registry_repository is only available in google-beta . If by the time you read this the warning on this page is no longer there, you can safely use the regular google provider. We also need to define the variables that we have created by creating a file called in the same directory with the following contents: Here, project_id is the name of our GCP project, and the region and zones are set to locations that are geographically close to me. You might want to choose another region and zone. For a list of available regions and zones, see here . In order to set-up and configure features like Cloud Run, we need to enable their corresponding API's . This can be achieved by navigating to the services in the UI, but since we want to omit as many manual steps as possible, we will use Terraform to enable those services for us instead. To do so, we add the following to : This enables the IAM, Artifact Registry, Cloud Run and Cloud Resource Manager respectively. However, the changes of enabling this take some time to propagate through Google's systems. Therefore, if we were to call them directly we would likely run into errors. Simply using the depends_on meta-argument also does not suffice, since any resources depending on enabling these API's will be triggered once the API's are enabled, not once the changes have been propagated through the systems. Therefore, we use an intermediate time_sleep resource, that will be triggered once our API's have been enabled. We can then add this resource to the depends_on argument of other resources to trigger them 30 seconds after the API's have been enabled. Now we can use the API's to create more resources for us. Firstly, we will create the Artifact Repository to which we can push our Docker images. Along with the repository, we also create a service account called docker-pusher , and give it the roles/artifactregistry.writer role for this repository, so it can push images to the repository. And we add the following to : The last thing that we need to do is publish our image through Cloud Run. For this, we use google_cloud_run_service , and as the argument for image we pass "${var.project_id}/${var.repository}/${var.docker_image}" , so our resource will expect to find an image that we defined in within our created Artifact Registry repository. We also pass some arguments to use containers with small memory usage, and we should never have to scale to more than one instance for this simple API. Lastly, we create a noauth policy and apply it to our newly created Cloud Run API so our API is open to the public, and we return the URL on which our API is available. And we add the following to : Now that we have created our Terraform script, we can start using it to provision our infrastructure. 5. Provisioning our cloud infrastructure with Terraform. Earlier, we created a service account that has the right permissions to provision our infrastrcture. Within the Google Cloud Platform, navigate back to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) , and click the three dots in the Actions column for your service account. Select Manage Keys , and then Add Key > New Key . Choose JSON as the Key Type , and this should trigger the download of a file to your local machine. Copy this file to the directory in which you have created your and files, and rename it to infra_service_account.json . Next, create a file called .env with the following contents: It is also possible to hard-code the path to the service account into your file, but I prefer the approach of using enviornment variables since it's easier to modify our configuration when we want to provision our infrastructure through CI/CD later. Before we create our infrastructure, let's see if our configuration does not contain any mistakes. First, we initialize our directory with. and then we validate our files with. which outputs: Great! This means we can now create our infrastructure: After about a minute, this will now return an error: This error is expected, since we configured our infrastructure to look for an image called my-api within docker-repository , but we have not created that yet. The preceding steps have run succesfully however, so if we navigate to Artifact Registry in the UI, we find that our repository has been created. This means that we can now push our Docker image to the repository to finalize our set-up. 6. Pushing the Docker image to Artifact Registry on Google Cloud. In order to push our Docker image to the cloud, we first need to download the key for the service account docker-pusher that we created with Terraform. If you head over to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts ( link ) , you should be able to see the new service account there. Create and download a service account key in the JSON format, similarly to how we did that for the infrastructure account earlier. Rename it to docker_service_account.json and store it in the same directory as and Dockerfile . Now, we want to run commands in the command line with the permissions of our service account. In order to do so, we will use the Google Cloud CLI . Installation instructions can be found here . After that is installed we can add a configuration called docker-pusher with the following commands: You can see your active and other available configurations with the command. Once we verified that our docker-pusher configuration is active, we should register gcloud as the credential helper for all Google-supported Docker registries with the following command: Then, we tag our Docker image cloudrun-example-api with a tag in the form of. which in our case becomes: And we can then push that image to the Artifact Registry with: If this step runs succesfully, you should now be able to see your docker image in the docker-repository repository in the Artifact Registry section on GCP. 7. Finishing up and Testing our API. This means we can now finalize deploying our API. Navigate to your directory containing , and apply your files once again: This time, since our Docker image is available to the google_cloud_run_service component, we should not get any errors. Instead we should see the following output: Click the link or copy and paste the URL in your browser and you should see the text Hello, World! displayed. Awesome, our API is working! We have made some good progress in building our reproducible cloud environment and we have removed a lot of manual steps from the process. Imagine having three environments (development, acceptance and production) and having to set up all the resources by hand through the UI. And imagine having to make sure that these environments keep being consistent when multiple people are making changes to the infrastructure. With our Infrastructure-as-Code, this has become a lot more manageable. And yet, this is also where there is still some room for improvement: It would be great if we can facilitate the deployment to multiple staging environments through our Terraform files. And ideally we would have the deployment of our infrastructure incorporated in a CI/CD pipeline, for example through GitHub Actions. However, we've already accomplished quite a lot in this tutorial, so we'll leave these improvement for later tutorials. I hope this post was helpful to you, please let me know if you have any feedback! Created by Florian Maas , © 2022.