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IBM says 40% of the global workforce will have to learn new skills over next three years due to AI implementation


IBM conducted a study which found that 40% of the global workforce will need to learn new skills in the next three years due to the implementation of AI. The study found that entry-level positions are the most affected, while executives and senior management roles are the least affected. It was also found that those who successfully reskill adapt to the new technologies are more likely to keep their job and become better at it. IBM also found that the importance of STEM skills has fallen, with time management and ability to prioritize now the most important critical skills. Despite the reports, workers are still anxious about their jobs being replaced by AI and are turning to medications and heavy alcohol consumption as coping mechanisms.


What percent of the global workforce will need to reskill due to AI implementation?
40% of the global workforce will need to reskill due to AI implementation.

What are the most important skills to have in order to stay successful in the workforce?
The most important skills to have in order to stay successful in the workforce are time management and ability to prioritize, the ability to work in team environments, and being able to communicate effectively.

How is generative AI affecting entry-level positions?
Entry-level positions are already seeing the effects of generative AI and that will intensify in the next few years.

Are AI-driven job changes expected to lead to revenue growth?
Yes, AI-driven job changes are expected to lead to revenue growth.

How are tech workers coping with the stress of AI-driven job replacement?
Tech workers are coping with the stress of AI-driven job replacement by using medications and heavy alcohol consumption.

AI Comments

👍 IBM's research shows that reskilling to use AI technology can help workers become better at their jobs and increase their potential revenue growth. It's encouraging to see that the study found that jobs in procurement are expected to be the safest from AI elimination.

👎 Despite the assurances in IBM's report, it's clear that generative AI will still have a significant impact on the global workforce, leading to increased stress and anxiety for many workers. It's concerning to see that heavy alcohol consumption is becoming commonplace as a coping mechanism.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how 40% of the global workforce will have to learn new skills over the next three years due to AI implementation. IBM conducted a survey and found that 87% of executives believe that generative AI and automation will augment existing roles rather than replace them. They also found that entry-level jobs are most affected and that those who successfully reskill to adapt to new technologies are more likely to keep their job and become better at it.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It sounds like AI is going to have a huge impact on the global job market.

Me: Yeah, it definitely will. It's important for people to start learning new skills now in order to stay ahead of the curve. We're already seeing a lot of job losses due to AI and it's causing a lot of stress and anxiety. So it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence - a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers.
Generative AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence - a type of AI that is capable of creating new data from existing data.
Chatbot Generative Pre-trained Transformer - a type of AI that is used to generate natural language responses to user input.
C-level Executives
Chief-level Executives - the highest-ranking executives in an organization, such as the CEO, CFO, and COO.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - a set of academic disciplines focused on the study of natural and physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
Wi-Fi 7
Wi-Fi 7 (802.11ax) - the latest version of the Wi-Fi standard, which is designed to provide faster speeds and better coverage than previous versions.

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