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Agents on the Brain


Autonomous agents are powered by language models and can break down complex problems and iterate to solve them. BabyAGI and AutoGPT have experienced success, and there is potential for agents to be used for a range of tasks from email digests to complex travel plans. However, there are still hurdles to be overcome before autonomous agents can experience large-scale adoption, including logical reasoning, compute costs, and learning. If these challenges can be addressed, agents could be used to “outsource” tasks and create a new layer of tooling to stitch the process together. It is still early days for autonomous agents, and there are many possibilities for what their future could look like.


What are autonomous agents and what makes them unique?
Autonomous agents are language model-powered bots that can break down complex problems and iteratively solve them, taking action on users’ behalf. They make it easy to dream of what is possible with small, lightweight apps on top of LLMs.

What benefits and drawbacks come with using autonomous agents?
Benefits of using autonomous agents include being able to break down a task into subtasks and using memory between each step to guide the agent’s actions. Drawbacks include performance, user control, and output quality issues, as well as compute costs and lack of learning.

What challenges must be overcome for autonomous agents to achieve large scale adoption?
Autonomous agents must overcome logical reasoning, compute costs, and learning challenges in order to achieve large scale adoption.

What kind of tasks can autonomous agents achieve?
Autonomous agents can look up the best restaurants in a given city, tell it to look up the highest rated restaurant with a table available and book the table for two, and find the best restaurant that fits into a user's schedule and preferences then book it for them and a friend.

What potential does the future of autonomous agents hold?
The potential of autonomous agents includes the possibility of “agent to agent” interactions, specialized agents for common tasks, and a new layer of tooling to “glue” the entire process together. They must become compute aware, data aware, agent aware, safety aware, and user aware in order to reach their full potential.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of breaking down the concept of autonomous agents, making it accessible to readers who may not be familiar with the technology. It also provides insight into the potential future of AI applications, which is incredibly exciting!

👎 This article glosses over the challenges that autonomous agents currently face, such as logical reasoning, compute costs, and learning. It would be beneficial to have a more in-depth discussion of these challenges in order to fully understand the potential of this technology.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about autonomous agents and how they are changing the AI landscape. It talks about how they can be used to break down complex problems into smaller tasks, and how they can book restaurants and plan travel itineraries.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it could be a major paradigm shift in the way that AI is used. Autonomous agents could be used to automate a lot of tasks, and it could make AI more accessible to people who don't have a lot of technical knowledge. There could also be a lot of potential for AI to interact with other AI agents and create more complex tasks. However, there are still a few challenges that need to be addressed, such as computational costs, user control, and output quality.

Action items

Technical terms

Stable Diffusion
A type of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that uses a diffusion process to find the most stable solution to a problem.
A natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like conversations.
Language models, which are AI algorithms that can generate human-like text.
A language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text.
A platform for creating and managing language models.
Autonomous Agents
AI-powered bots that can break down complex problems and iteratively solve them, taking action on users’ behalf.
An open-source autonomous agent developed by OpenAI.
An open-source autonomous agent developed by OpenAI.
An open-source programming language.
An open-source container orchestration system.
An open-source JavaScript runtime environment.
Logical Reasoning
The process of using rational, systematic methods to arrive at a conclusion.
Good Execution
The ability to carry out a task or plan in an effective and efficient manner.
Compute Costs
The amount of computing resources (e.g. CPU, memory, storage) required to run a program or process.
The process of acquiring knowledge or skills through experience or study.

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