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ZENGIN VE YOKSUL Zihniyeti | Robert Kiyosaki'nin Sizi Saskına Cevirecek Goz Acıcı Konusması - YouTube


In this YouTube video, Robert Kiyosaki discusses the "rich and poor" mindset. He explains that while some people strive to gain wealth, many are unaware of the potential it brings. Kiyosaki encourages viewers to understand that the mindset of the rich and poor is fundamentally different and that this can have a drastic impact on their lives. He emphasizes the importance of investing in yourself and taking risks in order to create a better future.


What is the article about?
The article is about Robert Kiyosaki's speech on the Zengin ve Yokusl mindset.

What is the main message of Robert Kiyosaki's speech?
The main message of Robert Kiyosaki's speech is to encourage people to think differently about money and wealth.

What is the Zengin ve Yokusl mindset?
The Zengin ve Yokusl mindset is a way of thinking that encourages people to focus on creating wealth rather than just earning money.

What are the implications of this mindset?
The implications of this mindset are that people can create more wealth and financial security for themselves by focusing on creating wealth rather than just earning money.

What advice does Robert Kiyosaki give on how to improve one's financial situation?
Robert Kiyosaki advises people to focus on creating wealth by investing in assets, taking risks, and learning from their mistakes. He also encourages people to think outside the box and to be creative in their approach to wealth creation.

AI Comments

👍 Wow, this video was incredibly eye-opening and thought-provoking. Robert Kiyosaki's speech is really inspiring and makes me want to work harder to improve my finances.

👎 Robert Kiyosaki's message fails to take into account the complex economic realities of our society, and his comments seem to oversimplify the struggles of the poor and rich.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Robert Kiyosaki's eye-opening speech about the mindset of the rich and the poor. It discusses the implications of having a mindset that values wealth and one that values poverty.

Friend: That sounds really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article suggests that if you have a mindset that values wealth, then you will be more likely to pursue wealth-building activities and take action to reach financial success. On the other hand, if you have a mindset that values poverty, then you will be less likely to take action to improve your financial situation. The article also suggests that it is important to be aware of your mindset and to make conscious decisions to shift it in the direction of valuing wealth.

Action items

Technical terms

Zengin ve Yoksul Zihniyeti
This is a concept developed by Robert Kiyosaki, which refers to the mindset of those who are wealthy and those who are poor. It is based on the idea that those who are wealthy have a different mindset than those who are poor, and that this mindset can be learned and applied to become successful.
Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki is an American businessman, investor, and author of the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He is known for his views on financial education and his advocacy of investing in assets rather than liabilities.
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