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Change Your Voice


Altered Studio Voice Editor is a technology that allows users to change their voice to any of their carefully curated voices or create custom ones. It can be used to create compelling voice performances, change accents, transcribe and translate audio files, and even clone voices. It also has features such as partnerships, blogs, FAQs, help centers, and release notes. The company offers free trials and newsletter subscriptions.


What is Altered Studio Voice Editor?
Altered Studio Voice Editor is a unique technology that allows users to change their voice to any of the carefully curated portfolio or custom voices and create compelling professional voice performances.

How can Altered Studio Voice Editor be used?
Altered Studio Voice Editor can be used to create a whole production by oneself, add gravitas and charisma of professional voices to a performance, transcribe, translate and add voice-over, and reduce costs and friction typically associated with voice-over prototyping and production.

What services does Altered Studio provide?
Altered Studio provides services such as voice-over prototyping and production, text-to-speech, and translation of audio files in multiple languages.

What resources are available from Altered Studio?
Resources available from Altered Studio include a blog, FAQs, partnerships, help center, release notes, ethics, contact us, careers, and account and billing.

How can one use Altered Studio to change their voice?
One can use Altered Studio to change their voice by using the professional voice changer, creating with Altered Studio, sounding like an actor, transcribing, translating, and adding voice-over, and cloning their voice.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ I'm impressed with Altered Studio's Voice Editor and all the features it offers - from voice-over prototyping and production to transcribing, translating and creating voice-overs. It's a great tool that can really help boost media projects to the next level!

๐Ÿ‘Ž Altered Studio's Voice Editor isn't perfect - it can be difficult to understand all the features and how to use them, so it might take some time to figure out how to best utilize the technology.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Altered Studio, a product that allows you to change your voice to different professional voices or even create your own custom voice. They have a portfolio of voices and you can even transcribe, translate, and add voice-over to audio files.

Friend: That sounds really cool. What are the implications of this product?

Me: Well, it could have a big impact on the entertainment industry, allowing people to create a whole production by themselves and sound like professional actors. It could also reduce costs and friction typically associated with voice-over prototyping & production. It could also be used for internal communications, allowing companies to quickly create assets to describe intents and more. So overall, it could make creating projects with voice much faster and easier.

Action items

Technical terms

Change Your Voice
This refers to the ability to alter one's voice to sound like a different person or to change the tone, pitch, or accent of one's voice.
A product is a tangible or intangible item that is produced or provided by a company to its customers.
Pricing is the process of determining the cost of a product or service.
Custom Voices
Custom voices are voices that are created specifically for a customer or project.
A showcase is a display or presentation of a product or service.
Resources are materials, information, or services that are available to help with a task or project.
A blog is an online journal or website that is regularly updated with posts about a particular topic.
FAQs are frequently asked questions that are answered on a website or in a document.
Partnerships are business relationships between two or more companies or organizations.
Help Center
A help center is a website or section of a website that provides information and support to customers.
Release Notes
Release notes are documents that provide information about a software update or release.
A company is an organization that produces or provides goods or services.
Ethics are moral principles or values that guide an individual or group's behavior.
Contact Us
Contact us is a phrase used to invite customers to contact a company for more information.
Careers are the jobs or occupations that a person holds throughout their life.
Account & Billing
Account & billing refers to the process of managing a customer's account and billing information.
Sign In/Sign Up
Sign in/sign up is a phrase used to invite customers to create an account or log in to an existing account.
Voice AI
Voice AI is artificial intelligence technology that enables machines to understand and respond to human speech.
Text-to-speech is a technology that converts written text into spoken words.
To dub is to record a new audio track over an existing audio track.

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