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Kahma.io, sumup, clonemyvoice.io, eightify.app and more


This article highlights five innovative and useful AI tools that can make life easier and more fun. Kahma.io generates digital portraits and avatars from source images, Sumup is an AI-powered summarization tool, Clonemyvoice.io clones voices, Eightify is a noise generator to help with concentration, and Sumup can be used for advertising. All of these tools are powered by AI and can be used for a variety of purposes, from content generation to data analysis to creativity enhancement.


What are some AI tools that can help users with personal and professional projects?
Some AI tools that can help users with personal and professional projects include Kahma.io, Sumup, Clonemyvoice.io, and Eightify.app.

How can Kahma.io create digital portraits and avatars?
Kahma.io can create digital portraits and avatars from source images, including real-life photos, using advanced deep learning algorithms. It can also be customized with different backgrounds, accessories, and expressions.

What is the purpose of Sumup, the AI-powered summarization tool?
The purpose of Sumup, the AI-powered summarization tool, is to quickly and easily digest any web page, such as an article, blog post, product review, or research paper, without reading the whole text.

How can Clonemyvoice.io create unique audio content?
Clonemyvoice.io can create unique audio content by using deep learning to synthesize realistic and natural-sounding speech from text. It can also be adjusted for different languages and accents.

What are the benefits of using Eightify, the AI-powered background noise generator?
The benefits of using Eightify, the AI-powered background noise generator, include saving time and energy, creating a comfortable and productive sound environment, improving mental health and well-being, and achieving goals.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great resource for discovering innovative and useful AI tools that can help with personal and professional projects. It provides helpful information about each tool and how it can be used to benefit users.

👎 This article does not provide any information about the cost or pricing of the tools mentioned, so it is difficult to determine if they are financially viable options.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about some of the most innovative and useful AI tools that can help you with your personal and professional projects. It talks about kahma.io, sumup, clonemyvoice.io, and eightify.app.

Friend: Interesting! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, these tools could help people save time and energy, create a comfortable and productive sound environment, improve their mental health and well-being, and achieve their goals. They could also be used for fun and creative activities, like creating digital portraits and avatars, preserving memories, or creating personalised audio content.

Action items

Technical terms

Kahma.io is an AI-powered tool that generates digital portraits and avatars from source images, including real-life photos.
Sumup is an AI-powered summarization tool that uses artificial intelligence to summarize any web page for you.
Clonemyvoice.io is a web-based service that uses deep learning to synthesize realistic and natural-sounding speech from text.
Eightify is an AI-powered background noise generator that uses artificial intelligence to generate noise that suits your needs and preferences.

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