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This article discusses strategies that employees can use to gain visibility in their organizations and stand out for potential management positions. It outlines various tactics like recognizing the best opportunities to step forward, reframing unhelpful or biased feedback, and getting more advocates in their corner. It also provides an example of a product designer who had a proven track record of driving results but felt underwhelmed after her year-end performance review.


What strategies can be used to gain visibility at work?
Recognize the best opportunities to step forward, reframe unhelpful or biased feedback, and get more advocates in your corner.

What should be done to reframe unhelpful or biased feedback?
Reframe this narrative by showing how you use your work ethic to think ahead and be strategic.

Who are some people that can be advocates for one's career progress?
Look for people who you trust, who know your work, and who believe in your potential.

What company is Selena Yuan a head of talent development for?
Jazz Pharmaceuticals.

What are some products produced by Harvard Business Review?
Magazine, Ascend, Podcasts, Video, Store, Webinars, Newsletters, The Big Idea, Data & Visuals, Reading Lists, Case Selections, HBR Learning, My Library, Account Settings, Log Out, Your Cart, Visit Our Store, My Library, Topic Feeds, Orders, Account Settings, Email Preferences, Log Out, Reading Lists, 2 free articles, last free article, Subscribe, Create an account, Early career, Leadership development, Power and influence, Leadership and Personal growth and transformation.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides great strategies for gaining visibility and growing in your career. It also provides helpful advice on how to reframe unhelpful or biased feedback.

👎 This article is overly long and could have been condensed more to make the content easier to digest.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to get noticed at work, which is especially important for early career professionals. It talks about recognizing the best opportunities to step forward, reframing unhelpful or biased feedback, and getting more advocates in your corner. It's a really helpful article for anyone trying to make a good impression in the workplace.

Friend: That's interesting. What do you think are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, first of all, it's important to recognize that we need to be proactive in order to get noticed. We can't just wait and hope that our work will be recognized. We need to be strategic and make sure that we are making our voices heard. Additionally, this article emphasizes the importance of getting more advocates in our corner, which means networking and building relationships with people who can support and champion our work. Finally, it's important to reframe any negative feedback that we receive and use it to our advantage.

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