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La Fiscalia pide reactivar la orden de detencion contra Puigdemont


La Fiscalia ha pedido reactivar la orden de detención contra el expresidente de la Generalitat Carles Puigdemont y Antoni Comin tras la sentencia del Tribunal General de la Unión Europea del 5 de julio del 2023 que retiró la inmunidad de ambos europarlamentarios. Puigdemont ha ironizado con la decisión de la Fiscalia del Supremo. La petición de nuevas euroordenes incluye la emisión de una orden europea de detención y entrega. Estos delitos llevan aparejadas penas de prisión que podrían ser de 6 a 12 años. La Fiscalia está esperando a que el juez instructor Pablo Llarena decida si reactiva las ordenes de detención.


What has the Fiscalia requested with regard to Carles Puigdemont and Antoni Comin?
The Fiscalia has requested that the judge instructor of the 'proces' case, Pablo Llarena, issue a search and capture order and an international arrest warrant, as well as a European arrest and delivery order, for Carles Puigdemont and Antoni Comin.

What did the Tribunal General de la Union Europea rule on July 5, 2023?
The Tribunal General de la Union Europea ruled on July 5, 2023 that the immunity of both Europarliamentarians was removed.

What did Carles Puigdemont say in response to the Fiscalia's request?
Carles Puigdemont said in response to the Fiscalia's request, "One day you are decisive to form a Spanish government, the next day Spain orders your arrest".

What offences is the Fiscalia accusing Puigdemont and Comin of?
The Fiscalia is accusing Puigdemont and Comin of misappropriation of public funds in an aggravated form, and disobedience.

What is the next step in the legal process once the orders of detention are reactivated?
Once the orders of detention are reactivated, the Belgian justice system (where the former Catalan president currently resides) will have to reinitiate the process of delivering him to Spain for trial.

AI Comments

👍 El Ministerio Fiscal ha presentado una petición para reactivar la orden de detención contra Puigdemont y Comin, demostrando que la justicia española sigue su curso a pesar de la situación política.

👎 Puigdemont ha criticado la decisión de la Fiscalia del Supremo de reactivar la orden de detención en su contra, señalando que un día está siendo decisivo para formar un gobierno español y al día siguiente España ordena su arresto.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Spanish government requesting the reactivation of the arrest warrant against Catalan former President Carles Puigdemont and his colleague Toni Comin, following the European Court of Justice ruling that stripped them of their parliamentary immunity. It looks like the Spanish government is using the ruling to reignite the Catalonia independence "process".

Friend: Wow, that's a big development. It's amazing how quickly things are changing in Spain. What do you think the implications are of this article?

Me: It's hard to know for sure, but I think it could have a big impact on Spain politically. It could lead to more divisions within the country, as some people may see it as a political move by the Spanish government to try and silence the Catalan independence movement. It could also cause more international tension, as other countries may see the move as a violation of Puigdemont and Comin's rights. It's also likely to cause a lot of uncertainty in the near future, as it's unclear what will happen next.

Action items

Technical terms

The Spanish public prosecutor's office.
Tribunal General de la Union Europea (General Court of the European Union).
Immunity from prosecution.
Member of the European Parliament.
Busca y captura
Search and arrest.
Misappropriation of public funds.
Cuestion prejudicial
Preliminary ruling.
Tribunal de Justicia de la Union Europea (Court of Justice of the European Union).
Orden de detencion (Arrest warrant).

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