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Hazte Oir, una organización ultraconservadora liderada por Ignacio Arsuaga, presionó a PP y Vox durante la campaña electoral para lograr que se comprometieran a respetar sus intereses. Ahora, el lobby lamenta que ambos partidos no hayan logrado suficientes votos para formar un gobierno, y ha iniciado una petición para exigir un recuento exhaustivo y preciso de los votos del 23J. Además, el lobby apoya a Feijoo y Abascal para tratar de llevar a la derecha a La Moncloa.


What are Hazte Oir's expectations for the results of the 23J elections?
Hazte Oir's expectations for the results of the 23J elections were that a hypothetical government that would end "sanchismo" would be formed.

What is Hazte Oir's reaction to the results of the 23J elections?
Hazte Oir's reaction to the results of the 23J elections is one of disappointment and a call to action.

What is Hazte Oir calling for in response to the 23J election results?
Hazte Oir is calling for the Junta Electoral Central to carry out a recount of the votes from the 23J election as established by the electoral law.

What is Hazte Oir's opinion of the performance of PP and Vox in the 23J elections?
Hazte Oir's opinion of the performance of PP and Vox in the 23J elections is that Vox met their expectations in terms of defending their values, while PP fell short in some areas.

What actions is Hazte Oir asking its followers to take in response to the 23J election results?
Hazte Oir is asking its followers to sign a petition directed to the Junta Electoral Central demanding a recount of the votes from the 23J election.

AI Comments

👍 Hazte Oir ha hecho un gran trabajo para presionar a PP y Vox para que cumplan con sus exigencias y para promover un recuento exhaustivo de votos.

👎 Es preocupante que el lobby ultraconservador Hazte Oir esté tratando de influenciar el proceso electoral y los resultados de las elecciones.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the reaction of the ultra-conservative lobby group Hazte Oir to the recent Spanish election results. They had been pushing for the PP and Vox to meet their demands during the campaign, but in the end, the results didn't meet their expectations. Now they're calling for a recount of the votes, and they're asking their followers to sign a petition to pressure the Central Electoral Board to do so.

Friend: That's really interesting. It seems like they're trying to cast doubt on the election results, which could have some major implications. Do you think it will work?

Me: I'm not sure. It's hard to tell whether or not there's any evidence of actual irregularities in the election results, which is something that the recount could help to establish. Regardless, it does raise some serious questions about the role of lobby groups in elections, and how they can use their influence to influence the outcome. It's definitely something to keep an eye on.

Action items

Technical terms

Lobby ultracatolico
Un grupo de presión que promueve la agenda ultraconservadora de la Iglesia Católica.
Recuento exhaustivo y preciso
Un proceso de conteo de votos que se realiza para asegurar la transparencia y la justicia en las elecciones.
Adoctrinamiento ideológico
El proceso de inculcar una ideología específica a una persona o grupo.
Derecho a la libertad religiosa
El derecho de una persona a practicar la religión de su elección sin ser discriminado o perseguido.
Unidad de España
La idea de que España es una nación unida y no debe ser dividida.
Escrutinio general
Un proceso de conteo de votos que se realiza para asegurar la transparencia y la justicia en las elecciones.
Vota Valores
Una guía de votación creada por el lobby ultracatólico Hazte Oir para ayudar a los votantes a elegir candidatos que promuevan sus valores ultraconservadores.
Junta Electoral Central
Un organismo gubernamental encargado de supervisar y administrar las elecciones en España.

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