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El artículo describe las funcionalidades de la plataforma TagusBooks para la lectura de libros. Estas funcionalidades incluyen cambiar el modo de visualización a texto, finalizar la lectura, resaltar, agregar notas, usar el buscador de Google y WikiCapitulo, ver el índice, ver el 37 por ciento del libro, leer la definición de Lorem Ipsum, ver los últimos libros leídos, añadir a la compra, hacer público, compartir en redes sociales, usar Libro de Arena, entrar en modo de texto, justificar doblemente, separar palabras, transiciones de página, modo de imagen, bloquear el scroll horizontal, privacidad, publicar marcadores, anotaciones, estadísticas de lectura, horarios favoritos de lectura, opiniones y recomendaciones de usuarios, sinopsis, anotaciones, publicaciones y envío de inicio de sesión. La última actualización fue a las.


What is Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum is dummy text used as a placeholder in design and publishing.

What features does TagusBooks offer?
TagusBooks offers features such as text mode, image mode, notes and highlights, public sharing, social media sharing, book sand, email, double justification, word separation, page transition, and privacy settings.

How can users view their saved settings?
Users can view their saved settings locally in the browser or device they are using.

What is the average rating of TagusBooks?
The average rating of TagusBooks is (valoraciones).

How can users recover their forgotten password?
Users can recover their forgotten password by visiting their profile on www.tagusbooks.com.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the features and benefits of using TagusBooks. It is clear and easy to understand, and provides a great guide for readers.

👎 The article is quite lengthy and may be overwhelming for some readers. Additionally, some of the features are only available on certain devices or platforms, which can be frustrating for users.

AI Discussion

Me: The article is about the features of the TagusBooks app. It discusses the text mode, highlights, notes, Google and Wiki integration, chapter 3, 37% of the book, index, Lorem ipsum, library view, last books read, definition of Lorem ipsum, double justification, word separation, page transition, image mode, horizontal scroll lock, privacy, public notes and highlights, social media integration, book of sand, email, public view, Georgia, Verdana and Times font, last update, ratings, user recommendations, synopsis, notes, login and password.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot of features! What are the implications of this article?

Me: The implications of this article are that TagusBooks is a powerful and comprehensive online book reading platform. It has a wide range of features that offer readers a very personalized and engaging book reading experience. It also promotes collaboration and sharing between readers as it allows users to share their highlights, notes, and reading progress with other users. Finally, it also provides an extra layer of security with its login and password feature, which ensures the privacy of users' reading data.

Action items

Technical terms

Cambiar a modo texto
This refers to changing the display mode of a text from graphical to plain text.
Finalizar lectura
This is the Spanish phrase for "finish reading".
This is the action of highlighting text in a document.
This is a note or annotation made in a document.
This is the name of the popular search engine.
This is a type of website that allows users to collaboratively create and edit content.
Capitulo 3
This is the third chapter of a book.
37 % del libro
This is the percentage of the book that has been read.
This is an index or table of contents of a book.
Lorem ipsum
This is a placeholder text commonly used in the publishing and graphic design industries.
Ir a mi biblioteca
This is the Spanish phrase for "go to my library".
Mis ultimos libros leidos
This is the Spanish phrase for "my last read books".
Definicion de Lorem ipsum
This is the definition of the placeholder text Lorem ipsum.
Integer aliquam sagittis nulla, sed sagittis erat sodales at
This is a Latin phrase meaning "an arrow of equal length, but with a different point".
Morbi dictum metus sed mi vestibulum a porta libero vehicula
This is a Latin phrase meaning "a door of free vehicle, but with a fear of words".
Quisque ut lacus non lacus aliquam ullamcorper
This is a Latin phrase meaning "a lake of no lake, but with a great body".
Lorem ipsum dolor est
This is a Latin phrase meaning "the color of Lorem ipsum is".
Morti dictum fermentum dolor est
This is a Latin phrase meaning "the color of the fermented word is death".
Curabitur fermentbitur fermentbitur fermentbitur fermentum
This is a Latin phrase meaning "the fermentation of the fermentation of the fermentation of the fermentation".
Anadir a mi compra
This is the Spanish phrase for "add to my purchase".
Hacer publica
This is the Spanish phrase for

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