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No One Cares How Many Countries You’ve Been to


This article is a reflection on the obsession of travelers to "keep score" by counting the number of countries they have visited. The author reflects on their own experience with this behavior, as well as that of their friends and other travelers, and suggests that this behavior may be driven by the costs and effort of travel and our competitive nature. The article ultimately concludes that we can't help but keep score, even though it may not be the point of travel.


What motivates travelers to keep score of the countries they've visited?
Travelers are motivated to keep score of the countries they've visited due to the costs of travel, competition, and collecting.

What is the underlying theme of the article?
The underlying theme of the article is that travelers often keep score of the countries they've visited, but that the intrinsic experience of travel is more important than the number of countries visited.

How does the author feel about counting countries?
The author acknowledges that he still keeps score of the countries he has visited, but suggests that it is not as important as it once was.

How does the author's motivation for travel differ from his earlier days?
The author's motivation for travel has shifted from keeping score to lingering and making lasting friendships.

How does the author suggest travelers view their experience of travel?
The author suggests that travelers view their experience of travel as an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of a place, make lasting friendships, and learn a few sentences of the language.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting perspective on the motivations behind why travelers keep score of the countries they've been to and why it's important to balance the cost and time investment of travel with the intrinsic experience.

👎 This article fails to provide any concrete solutions on how to balance the cost and time investment of travel with the intrinsic experience.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how travelers are obsessed with keeping score of the number of countries they've visited. The author talks about the costs and hassles of travel that lead to the need to validate our experience by keeping score. He also discusses the competitive nature of travel and how it is often seen as a way to measure our success.

Friend: That's an interesting point. It makes me think about why I travel and how I measure my success. It's true that I sometimes feel the need to keep up with my peers and compare my experiences, but I'm trying to focus more on enjoying the journey and not worrying about the destination.

Me: Yes, I think that's really important. It's easy to get caught up in the competitive aspect of travel, but it's more important to focus on the experience and the joy that it can bring. We should think about what we learn and the people we meet, rather than just the number of countries we've been to.

Action items

Technical terms

A person who studies linguistics, the scientific study of language.
Uninformed or unaware.
Underlying structure
The basic elements or components of something.
A book or other collection of financial accounts of a particular type.
A significant event or stage in the development of something.
A small structure with one or more open sides, typically used to sell goods or provide information.
Passport check
The process of verifying a person's identity and nationality by examining their passport.
A loud, sharp sound.
Wrapped tightly in cloth or a blanket.
Make or declare legally valid.
The activity or condition of competing.
The action of gathering together objects of interest.

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