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auction.whois.ai is an online domain auction service. Buyers are advised to move domains off the service, change the contacts, and change the DNS. If domains are not moved within 1 year they can be lost and domains cannot be renewed on the service. If a domain's DNS stops working, the buyer has 2 months to move it off the service.


What should buyers remember when purchasing a domain from auction.whois.ai?
Buyers should remember to move domains off of auction.whois.ai, change the contacts, and change the dns.

What happens if a domain is not moved off of auction.whois.ai within one year?
Domains not moved within 1 year can be lost.

Is it possible to renew domains on auction.whois.ai?
No, it is not possible to renew domains on auction.whois.ai.

What should a buyer do if their DNS was working but has suddenly stopped?
If their DNS was working and stopped working, they should move it off immediately.

How long do buyers have to move a domain off of auction.whois.ai after their DNS stops working?
Buyers have to move a domain off of auction.whois.ai within 2 months after their DNS stops working.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ I appreciate this article for taking the time to provide helpful information on the process of buying a domain on auction.whois.ai. It is great to have clear instructions on how to renew and move domains off of the site.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article could be more clear when it comes to the time frame of when a domain can be lost. It is too vague and does not provide a concrete timeline for buyers to be aware of when they need to take action.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about auction.whois.ai. Basically, the article is warning buyers to move domains off of auction.whois.ai, change the contacts, and change the dns within one year or they risk losing the domain. Also, they can't renew domains on auction.whois.ai.

Friend: Wow, that's serious. So if someone's DNS is not working, it means they're two months away from losing the domain and they should move it off immediately?

Me: Exactly. It's important to take action right away or you could lose the domain.

Action items

Technical terms

A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
A domain name registration service.
A person who purchases goods or services.
A unique name that identifies an internet resource such as a website.
The information associated with a domain name, such as the registrant, administrative, and technical contacts.
Domain Name System, a system that translates domain names into IP addresses.
To extend the validity of a domain name registration.

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