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Schweizer Experiment zeigt und bewertet Nutzen von Medieninhalten fur Google


FehrAdvice & Partner führte im Auftrag des Verlegerverbandes Schweizer Medien ein Experiment durch, um den Wert von Medieninhalten für Google zu bewerten. Mittels 1.573 Befragten untersuchten sie den Unterschied zwischen Google-Suchen mit und ohne Medieninhalte. Diese Forschung erfolgt als Vorbereitung auf ein Leistungsschutzrecht für Medien, wie es in den meisten europäischen Ländern schon besteht.


What value do media contents have for Google?
The value of media contents for Google was studied and measured by FehrAdvice & Partner in an experiment.

What is the purpose of the experiment conducted by FehrAdvice & Partner?
The purpose of the experiment conducted by FehrAdvice & Partner was to measure the difference between Google searches with and without media contents.

What is the Leistungsschutzrecht and how is it implemented in most European Union countries?
The Leistungsschutzrecht is a copyright law that protects media content from tech platforms such as Google. It is implemented in most European Union countries.

What do users need to disable in order to access the website of DER STANDARD?
Users need to disable all hardware and software components that are capable of blocking parts of the DER STANDARD website, such as browser add-ons like Adblocker or network filters.

Is there a PUR-Abo subscription option available?
Yes, there is a PUR-Abo subscription option available.

AI Comments

👍 Das Experiment von FehrAdvice & Partner untersucht die Wertigkeit der Medieninhalte für Google und ist weltweit einzigartig. Es ist wichtig, dass die Schweiz ein Leistungsschutzrecht umgesetzt, um Medien gegenüber Tech-Plattformen zu schützen.

👎 Der Artikel enthält keine konkreten Ergebnisse aus dem Experiment und es wird nicht deutlich, wie Nutzer von den Ergebnissen profitieren können.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the value of media content to Google, and how the Swiss are preparing a copyright law to protect media content against tech platforms like Google.

Friend: That's interesting. What implications does this have?

Me: Well, it could mean that tech platforms like Google will have to pay for the use of media content in their searches, which could affect their bottom line. It could also lead to an increase in advertising costs for companies who rely on these platforms for their reach, as they may have to pay more for the same services. Additionally, it could mean that content creators and publishers will get a larger share of the profits from their work, as they will be able to protect their content more easily.

Action items

Technical terms

Schweizer Experiment
A research study conducted in Switzerland.
Nutzen von Medieninhalten fur Google
The value of media content for Google.
A copyright law that protects the rights of media publishers against tech platforms such as Google.
FehrAdvice & Partner
A Swiss research and consulting firm.
Unterschied zwischen Google-Suchen mit Medieninhalten und ohne
The difference between Google searches with and without media content.
Browser extensions such as Adblocker.
A browser extension that blocks certain content from being displayed on a website.
A subscription to the German newspaper Der Standard.

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