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Cambio de paradigma en la declaracion de criptomonedas: la proxima Renta sera la gran prueba de fuego para Hacienda


La Agencia Tributaria ha anunciado cambios para la declaración de criptomonedas. Esto supondrá nuevas obligaciones para aquellos que posean criptomonedas, como nuevas casillas para la Renta, un Modelo 721 para informar sobre el saldo de monedas virtuales, y un refuerzo del control de la economía digital. A partir de 2024, los contribuyentes tendrán que informar Hacienda si poseen el equivalente a más de 50.000 euros en criptomonedas. Se espera que este año se envíen unos 328.000 avisos a contribuyentes.


What changes have been announced regarding the declaration of cryptocurrencies?
The Tax Agency has announced changes regarding the declaration of cryptocurrencies.

What are the new obligations that will come into effect in January 2024?
The new obligations will include the presentation of an annual informative declaration regarding the total of virtual currencies held abroad of which the taxpayer is the owner, or with respect to which they have the condition of beneficiary, authorized or in any other way have the power of disposition, or of which they are the real owner, held by persons or entities that provide services to safeguard private cryptographic keys on behalf of third parties.

What are the new obligations related to cryptocurrencies that will be added to the tax return for 2023?
The new obligations will include casillas 172 to communicate the balance of virtual currencies, casilla 173 for operations and the expected Modelo 721, which will replace the previous Modelo 720.

What actions will the Tax Agency take to fight tax fraud in relation to virtual payments?
The Tax Agency will reinforce its actions in relation to virtual payments and the "actions to locate crypto assets that are subject to seizure". Among the new powers is the possibility to freeze custody keys and seize wallets.

What information must be included in the Modelo 721 for cryptocurrencies?
The information to be included in the Modelo 721 for cryptocurrencies will include the name and entity of the custodian, the identification of each cryptocurrency and the corresponding balance.

AI Comments

👍 Esta articulo cubre un tema extremadamente relevante e importante para todos aquellos que tienen criptomonedas. Esta muy bien escrito y hace un buen trabajo explicando los nuevos cambios en la declaracion de la renta que se aplicaran en 2024.

👎 Esta articulo es muy complicado de entender para aquellos que no estan familiarizados con el tema. Ademas, la informacion es un poco confusa debido a la cantidad de terminologia tecnica usada.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a new change in Spanish tax law regarding crypto currencies. It explains that from 2024, people who own crypto currencies will have to declare them on their tax returns.

Friend: Wow, that's a big change. What are the implications of this change?

Me: Well, it means that people who own crypto currencies will have to be more aware of their investments and keep a closer eye on them. They will also need to understand the tax implications of their investments and how to declare them properly. Also, it means that the government is taking a closer look at crypto currencies and trying to regulate them more. This could have a positive effect in terms of making the crypto market more safe and secure, although it could also create some difficulties for users.

Action items

Technical terms

Cambio de paradigma
Un cambio radical en la forma en que se entiende o se aborda un tema.
Dirección General de Tributos, una agencia de la Administración Tributaria española.
Inteligencia Artificial, una tecnología que permite a las computadoras realizar tareas que normalmente requerirían inteligencia humana.
Una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial.
Una aplicación de mensajería instantánea para teléfonos inteligentes.
Una herramienta de inteligencia artificial para crear conversaciones naturales.
Android Auto
Un sistema operativo para automóviles desarrollado por Google.
iPhone 13
Un teléfono inteligente de Apple.
iPhone 14
Un teléfono inteligente de Apple.
Un fabricante de teléfonos inteligentes chino.
Un fabricante de teléfonos inteligentes chino.
Trident X
Una empresa de tecnología con sede en España.
Modelo 721
Un modelo de declaración de impuestos español.
Modelo 720
Un modelo de declaración de impuestos español.

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