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How can HR support staff affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine?


Following an attack by Hamas in Israel on 7 October, the world has been impacted by the conflict. To help workers directly and indirectly affected by the crisis, the BBC has offered greater mental health support, while other businesses are taking action to support their employees. HR professionals have recommended ways to support these employees, such as showing empathy and emotionally intelligent leadership, role-modelling healthy communication, offering flexible working, and providing resources to help those impacted.


How can HR support staff affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine?
HR can support staff affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine by offering greater mental health support, displaying empathy and emotionally intelligent leadership, checking in with colleagues, role-modelling healthy communication, offering flexible working, and providing support and/or counselling if appropriate.

What are some ways businesses are taking action to support their workers during this conflict?
Businesses are taking action to support their workers by offering greater mental health support, providing targeted support where needed, displaying empathy and emotionally intelligent leadership, and offering flexible working.

How can workplaces support employees who are struggling following the events?
Workplaces can support employees who are struggling following the events by displaying empathy and emotionally intelligent leadership, checking in with colleagues, role-modelling healthy communication, and offering flexible working.

What steps should HR leaders take when employees have strong and passionate views on the conflict?
HR leaders should take steps to publicise policies and procedures for tackling racial or religious harassment, offer support and/or counselling to those affected by the conflict if appropriate, support HR, team leaders and managers to identify and address any negative fallout arising from the conflict between employees, and role-model healthy communication.

What guidance is CIPD providing to help members support workers during the current crisis?
CIPD is providing guidance to help its members to offer the support that is needed.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides great insight into how HR professionals can support employees affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine. It is filled with helpful tips on how to approach the conversations with empathy and understanding.

👎 This article is too focused on the conflict in Israel and Palestine, without providing any solutions to other global conflicts. It is also lacking in information on how HR professionals can support employees who have not been directly impacted by the conflict.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how HR professionals can help employees affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine. It talks about the global implications of the conflict and how it has caused an increase in hate crimes related to antisemitism and Islamophobia. It also talks about ways workplaces can support employees, such as with emotional intelligence, providing mental health support, and flexible working.

Friend: That's really concerning. It's so important for workplaces to support their employees during this difficult time.

Me: Absolutely. Workplaces need to be aware of the potential impact of the conflict on their employees and be prepared to act accordingly. HR professionals should look out for any changes in employees' moods or behaviour, and role model healthy means of communication to ensure conflicts don't arise in the workplace. It's also important to be flexible with working hours so people can take the time they need to process the events.

Action items

Technical terms

A state of extreme anxiety or suspense.
Hostile or prejudiced attitude towards Jews.
Hostile or prejudiced attitude towards Muslims.
Humanitarian crisis
A situation in which large numbers of people are in need of urgent help, typically because of a natural disaster or a violent conflict.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Emotional intelligence
The capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
The quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance.
A strong desire to know or learn something.
The process of setting an example for others to follow.
Flexible working
A way of working that suits an employee's needs, for example having flexible start and finish times, or working from home.

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