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2024’s hiring outlook is a bit of a question mark, Indeed economist says


The labor market in the U.S. is closing the year on a tempered note, with job postings on Indeed having decreased 22.5% since their peak in December 2021. In 2024, employers will need to consider investing in employee experience and diversity, equity and inclusion programs, as well as address the priorities of Gen Z workers in order to retain them. An Indeed research director cautioned that "there's a case for optimism for 2024, but it's best not to oversell it".


What is the current outlook for the labor market in 2024?
The current outlook for the labor market in 2024 is a bit of a question mark.

What could a prolonged contraction mean for employers?
A prolonged contraction could mean employers start to shed current workers and layoffs start to mount.

What is the current trend of job seekers looking outside their current field?
Job seekers are increasingly shifting their interest to postings outside their current field.

What investments are employers making to retain workers?
Employers are making investments in employee experience (EX) to retain workers.

What steps do employers need to take to attract and retain Gen Z workers?
Employers need to address the priorities of Gen Z workers, including community connections, having their voices heard at work, transparent and responsive leadership, and diversity and inclusion.

AI Comments

👍 The article provides an insightful analysis of the labor market and provides useful advice for employers looking to attract and retain workers in 2024.

👎 The article does not provide any concrete solutions to the labor market issues it raises, leaving readers with more questions than answers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the 2024 hiring outlook and how job seekers are increasingly looking outside their current fields. The article also talks about the importance of investing in employee experience, Gen Z workers in the full-time workforce, and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs for employers.

Friend: That's interesting. What implications do you think this article has for job seekers and employers?

Me: Well, for job seekers, it means that they should consider looking outside their current field and be open to new opportunities. It also suggests that employers should invest in employee experience, DEI initiatives, and prioritize the needs of Gen Z workers in order to attract and retain them. It's important for employers to be aware of these trends and make sure they are prepared to address them in the future.

Action items

Technical terms

Labor Market
The labor market is the market in which workers and employers interact to determine the wages, hours, and other conditions of employment.
Participation Rate
The participation rate is the percentage of the population that is either employed or actively looking for work.
Prime-Age Workers
Prime-age workers are those between the ages of 25 and 54.
Great Resignation
The Great Resignation is a term used to describe the large number of workers who left their jobs in 2021 and 2022.
Employee Demand
Employee demand is the number of workers that employers need to fill positions.
Employee Experience (EX)
Employee experience (EX) is the overall experience of an employee in the workplace, including their interactions with colleagues, their job satisfaction, and their engagement with the company.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Gen Z Workers
Gen Z workers are those born between 1997 and 2012.

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