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Welcome, ghosts


This article looks at the concept of ghosts in history, and how our understanding of them has changed over time. It talks about how history often focuses on what is present, rather than what is absent, and how the informal spaces of the past have been lost. It also looks at how certain inventions, such as the bistro, come about due to people's lack of permission to do something else, and how this has become much more difficult due to modern bureaucracy. Finally, it looks at how the concept of permission-less invention applies to modern times, and how we can still let uses be discovered.


What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of the article is to explore the concept of ghosts in history and how the physical world has become more rigid over time.

What is the significance of the examples given in the article?
The examples given in the article are meant to illustrate how informal spaces have been lost over time and how genius is an interaction of people and places.

What are the potential implications of over-engineering plans?
The potential implications of over-engineering plans are that it can lead to a lack of creativity and innovation, as well as a lack of flexibility in responding to local conditions.

How has the physical world become more rigid?
The physical world has become more rigid due to the increasing number of barriers to opening businesses, such as permits and fees, as well as the ossification of the physical world due to systematizing.

What are the benefits of remaining sensitive to context?
The benefits of remaining sensitive to context are that it can lead to the discovery of new uses for products and processes, as well as the creation of informal spaces that can foster creativity and innovation.

AI Comments

👍 This article was an insightful and thought-provoking exploration of the effects of complexity and systematizing on the world and its people. The author's analysis was intriguing and well-crafted.

👎 This article was a bit too long and drawn-out. The author could have better captured their point in a few less paragraphs.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how modern technology has limited the opportunities for people to come up with creative, innovative solutions and how this has led to a decline in the kinds of discoveries and inventions we are used to making. It also talks about how formalization and professionalization have made it harder for people to be able to do things without seeking permission or getting approval.

Friend: Interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: The article has implications for how we think about creativity and innovation. The article suggests that modern technology has limited the opportunities for people to come up with creative solutions and made it harder for people to be able to do things without seeking permission or getting approval. This has resulted in a decline in the kinds of discoveries and inventions we are used to making. It also suggests that by limiting the opportunities for people to come up with creative solutions, we are losing out on the potential of genius that comes from the interaction of people and places.

Action items

Technical terms

A collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people.
Official documents or licenses that give permission to do something, such as build a structure or operate a business.
To make something more formal or structured.
To make something more professional or organized.
Not following the usual rules or conventions.
The process of becoming rigid or inflexible.
A predetermined course of events.

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