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Three quarters of UK women want their employer to take action and retain older workers, report finds


A new report from the British Standards Institution (BSI) finds that 75% of female employees in the UK want employers to take action to retain older women in the workforce, while only 71% would like politicians to drive this change. The report also found that almost a third of women expected to leave work before retirement, mostly due to health or wellbeing issues, and that 54% found it difficult to raise issues such as menopause with their employers. It suggests that promoting more female leaders could help overcome a “key barrier” to women remaining in work, and that employers should create an “open and trusting environment” for women facing the menopause.


What percentage of UK women want employers to take action to retain older women in the workforce?

What percentage of UK women expect to leave work before retirement?

What percentage of UK women feel uncomfortable discussing health and wellbeing issues with a male manager?

What are the suggestions for workplace adjustments in the new Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace standard?
Suggestions for workplace adjustments, such as providing access to a decent occupational health service, promoting more female leaders, and creating an open and trusting environment for women.

What percentage of women believe employers have a role to play in offering women support around issues such as menopause?

AI Comments

👍 It's great to see that the majority of female employees are pushing for employers to take action and retain older female workers. This report is a great step forward towards creating a more inclusive workplace and fostering an environment that is open to discussing issues such as menopause.

👎 This report puts a lot of responsibility on employers to create a workplace environment that is conducive to supporting women and older workers, yet it fails to address the underlying issue of gender inequality in the workplace.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how three-quarters of UK women want their employers to take action to retain older women in the workforce. The report found that most women would prefer employers to make changes to retain them, rather than politicians. They also found that many women feel uncomfortable discussing health and wellbeing issues with male managers.

Friend: That's really interesting. It's so important for employers to create a trusting environment for women and to foster a culture of openness and acceptance. It's not just about making changes to retain older women, but also about creating an atmosphere that encourages employees to discuss issues like menopause.

Me: Absolutely. It's really encouraging to see that three-quarters of women in the UK want employers to take action to retain older women, and the report suggests that promoting more female leaders could help break down the barriers to women staying in the workforce. It's also important to provide female employees with access to occupational health services and experienced female mentors to support their development.

Action items

Technical terms

Three quarters (75 per cent)
This is a numerical expression meaning 75 out of 100.
British Standards Institution (BSI)
This is an organization that sets standards for products, services, and systems in the UK.
Two fifths (42 per cent)
This is a numerical expression meaning 42 out of 100.
Three fifths (60 per cent)
This is a numerical expression meaning 60 out of 100.
Two thirds (67 per cent)
This is a numerical expression meaning 67 out of 100.
This is the period in a woman's life when her menstrual cycle stops and she is no longer able to become pregnant.

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