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Placements durables : un interet grandissant des Francais, notamment les plus jeunes


L'Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) a publié les résultats de son enquête biannuelle qui montre un intérêt croissant des Français pour la finance durable. Les moins de 35 ans sont les plus nombreux à considérer ces placements intéressants, et deux tiers des Français accordent de l’importance aux enjeux de développement durable. Un Français sur 5 possède au moins un placement « en lien avec le développement durable » et près d'un quart des détenteurs de fonds responsables ont investi récemment. Les epargnants expriment un besoin d'information pour mieux comprendre les avantages et inconvénients des placements durables.


What is the overall trend of the French people’s interest in sustainable investments?
The overall trend of the French people’s interest in sustainable investments is increasing.

How has the knowledge and interest of the French people in sustainable investments progressed since 2021?
The knowledge and interest of the French people in sustainable investments has progressed by 5 points since 2021.

What are the three main criteria used by the French people when selecting an investment?
The three main criteria used by the French people when selecting an investment are security, profitability, and availability.

What percentage of French people own at least one sustainable investment?
19% of French people own at least one sustainable investment.

How does the French public view the transparency of documents related to sustainable investments?
The French public views the transparency of documents related to sustainable investments as too technical, dense, and jargon-filled.

AI Comments

👍 L'enquête montre que les Français accordent de plus en plus d'importance aux enjeux de développement durable et que les plus jeunes sont les plus intéressés par les placements durables.

👎 L'étude montre que la connaissance des grands concepts de la réglementation européenne en matière de finance durable reste relativement faible et que les documents sont jugés trop techniques et trop jargonneux.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about increasing interest in sustainable investments among French people, particularly the younger generations. Apparently, more than half of people under 35 have invested in sustainable funds since 2022, and two thirds of French people are taking environmental, social and governance criteria into account when making their investments.

Friend: That's really interesting. It shows that younger people are taking more responsibility for their investments and taking environmental and social issues into account.

Me: Exactly. It's a positive sign that these issues are becoming more important for people when making their investment decisions. However, it's still a small number of people who are investing in sustainable funds, so more needs to be done to encourage more people to invest in this way. It's also important to ensure that people have the information they need to make informed decisions about these investments.

Action items

Technical terms

Placements durables
Long-term investments that take into account environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.
Investissement socialement responsable (ISR)
Socially responsible investments that take into account environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria.
Criteres environnementaux, sociaux ou de gouvernance (ESG)
Environmental, social, and governance criteria used to evaluate investments.
Livret de developpement durable et solidaire (LDSS)
A savings account that is used to finance small and medium-sized businesses and is not considered a socially responsible investment.
A classification system used to identify and categorize investments that meet certain environmental, social, and governance criteria.
Reglement SFDR
A regulation that requires financial services firms to publish information about the sustainability of their investments.
Article 8
A type of investment fund that takes into account environmental and/or social criteria.
Article 9
A type of investment fund that has a sustainable investment objective.

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