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Assurance : RC, PEPP, Solvabilite 2… La France a l’heure europeenne


This article is about the assurance regulations in France, which are in line with European regulations. It explains the different regulations, such as RC, PEPP, and Solvability 2, and mentions Florian Delambily as a notable figure in the regulation of these laws. The article is reserved for subscribers of News Assurances Pro, but there is an option to log in or register with a professional email address.


What regulations are discussed in the article?
The regulations discussed in the article are RC, PEPP, and Solvabilite 2.

What are the benefits of the regulations discussed in the article?
The benefits of the regulations discussed in the article are increased assurance and protection for consumers.

What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of the article is to inform readers about the regulations in place in France to ensure consumer protection.

Who wrote the article?
Florian Delambily wrote the article.

What is required to access the content of the article?
To access the content of the article, readers must be subscribed to News Assurances Pro or have a professional email address.

AI Comments

👍 Excellent article qui explique clairement comment la France s'est adaptée aux normes européennes pour le secteur de l'assurance.

👎 Cet article est uniquement réservé aux abonnés et il est difficile de trouver des informations supplémentaires sur le sujet sans s'abonner.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how France is keeping up with the European standards in insurance regulations like RC, PEPP, and Solvabilite 2.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, for starters, this means that France is now able to offer more competitive insurance rates and services compared to other European countries. Additionally, this could lead to more businesses in France being able to access the insurance they need, which could have a positive effect on the economy overall. Finally, this could also lead to greater consumer protection, since the regulations should ensure that insurers are providing services at a fair and reasonable cost.

Action items

Technical terms

A type of insurance that provides protection against financial losses resulting from an event such as death, illness, injury, or property damage.
Responsabilité Civile, a type of insurance that covers the insured for any legal liability they may incur due to their actions or negligence.
Pan-European Personal Pension, a type of pension product that allows individuals to save for retirement across borders.
Solvabilité 2
A set of regulations that require insurance companies to maintain a certain level of capital in order to remain solvent.
Directive sur la Distribution d'Assurances et de Services Financiers aux Utilisateurs d'Europe, a European Union directive that sets out rules for the sale of insurance and financial services.
Epargne Retraite
A type of retirement savings plan that allows individuals to save for retirement on a tax-deferred basis.
Fonds de Garantie
A type of insurance fund that provides compensation to policyholders in the event of an insurer's insolvency.
RC Auto
Responsabilité Civile Automobile, a type of insurance that covers the insured for any legal liability they may incur due to their actions or negligence while operating a motor vehicle.

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