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Un repli de -3,6 % pour les valeurs d'expertise de l’immobilier d’investissement


Cet article se concentre sur l'étude réalisée par VIEWS+S Consulting sur les valeurs d'expertises des foncières cotées françaises à la fin du mois de juin. Il a été constaté que les valeurs d'expertises des SIIC (Sociétés d'Investissement Immobilier Cotées) étaient en baisse de 3,6%, ce qui reflète les impacts de la crise sur le patrimoine immobilier. Les sociétés étudiées inclus GECINA, ALTAREA, COVIVIO, UNIBAIL-RODAMCO-WESTFIELD, KLEPIERRE, MERCIALYS, SOCIETE DE LA TOUR EIFFEL, SOCIETE FONCIERE LYONNAISE, VITURA et ARGAN.


What was the decline in real estate investment values reported by VIEWS+S Consulting?
The decline in real estate investment values reported by VIEWS+S Consulting was -3.6%.

What is the estimated total value of the nineteen SIIC portfolios?
The estimated total value of the nineteen SIIC portfolios is 85.7 million euros.

How has the crisis impacted the values of the SIIC portfolios since 2020?
The crisis has impacted the values of the SIIC portfolios by decreasing them since 2020.

What are the names of the companies included in the study?
The companies included in the study are Altarea (formerly Altarea Cogedim), Argan, Covivio (formerly Fonciere des Regions), Gecina, Klepierre, Mercialys, Societe de la Tour Eiffel, Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise (SFL), Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Views+S Consulting, and Vitura (formerly Cegereal).

What services does VIEWS+S Consulting offer?
Views+S Consulting offers consulting services related to real estate investment.

AI Comments

👍 Ce rapport de VIEWS+S Consulting est très intéressant et fournit des informations précieuses sur l'impact de la crise sur les valeurs d'expertise des SIIC.

👎 Cet article est réservé aux abonnés, ce qui signifie que seuls ceux qui sont abonnés peuvent accéder aux informations complètes et aux données.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a 3.6% decrease in real estate investment values. According to VIEWS+S Consulting, the crisis has had a negative impact on the values of real estate investments. It looks like it's going to have a long-term effect on the real estate market.

Friend: Wow, that's concerning. It could have a major impact on real estate investments and could make it harder for people to get into the real estate market.

Me: Exactly. It could also lead to a decrease in property values, which could have a ripple effect on the economy. This could lead to a decrease in jobs, investments, and other economic activities related to real estate.

Action items

Technical terms

A decrease in the value of an asset or investment.
Valeurs d'expertise
The estimated value of an asset or investment, as determined by an expert.
Patrimoine immobilier
Real estate assets owned by an individual or company.
Foncieres cotees
Real estate companies that are publicly traded on a stock exchange.
VIEWS+S Consulting
A French real estate consulting firm specializing in publicly traded real estate companies.
Société d'Investissement Immobilier Cotée, a French real estate investment company that is publicly traded on a stock exchange.

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