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Assurance auto : la disparition de la carte verte se fait attendre


La suppression de la carte verte d'assurance auto, espérée pour 2023 par les assureurs, aura lieu "début 2024". Bercy se fixe un objectif de mise en œuvre de la réforme à la fin de 2023. Les discussions sont en cours entre plusieurs ministères, notamment sur la fiabilité du fichier électronique et les sanctions pour les automobilistes non assurés. Les assureurs estiment qu'un délai de neuf à douze mois est nécessaire pour préparer les systèmes informatiques et les esprits. Un groupe de travail a été constitué pour favoriser l'utilisation de pièces d'occasion.


When is the anticipated date for the removal of the green insurance sticker?
The anticipated date for the removal of the green insurance sticker is "courant 2024" (early 2024).

What is the timeframe for the implementation of the reform according to the French government?
The French government's timeframe for the implementation of the reform is for it to be in effect by the end of 2023.

What are some of the discussions between the French government and insurers concerning the removal of the green insurance sticker?
The discussions between the French government and insurers concerning the removal of the green insurance sticker include the reliability of the electronic file that allows law enforcement to verify if a vehicle is insured, and the possibility of giving drivers access to an online service to check if they are covered.

What is the purpose of the task force created by the French government and insurers?
The purpose of the task force created by the French government and insurers is to promote the use of second-hand auto parts in auto repair.

What is the timeframe for the task force to address the use of second-hand auto parts?
The timeframe for the task force to address the use of second-hand auto parts is nine to twelve months.

AI Comments

👍 Ces discussions entre les ministères concernés et les assureurs sont intéressantes et mettent en lumière le travail que l'on peut accomplir pour simplifier le système d'assurance auto.

👎 La suppression de la carte verte se fait attendre et a pris du retard, ce qui est très décevant et ne satisfera pas tous les automobilistes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the delay of the elimination of the green card for auto insurance. It was expected that it would take place this year, but now it looks like it will be implemented in 2024.

Friend: That's a long delay. What implications does this have?

Me: Well, the delay has implications for insurance companies, as well as consumers. For insurance companies, it means they will have to continue to issue the green card and incur additional costs for doing so. For consumers, it means they will have to continue to keep their green card up to date and make sure they are properly insured. It also means that the process for checking if someone has insurance will take longer, as it will require checking the electronic database instead of just looking at the green card.

Action items

Technical terms

Assurance auto
Auto insurance, a type of insurance policy that provides financial protection against physical damage or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise from incidents in a vehicle.
Carte verte
Green card, an international insurance document issued by an insurer that provides proof of motor insurance in the countries where it is valid.
Attestation d'assurance
Insurance certificate, a document issued by an insurance company that provides proof of insurance coverage.
Windshield, the transparent panel in the front of a vehicle that protects the driver and passengers from wind and debris.
Two-wheeler, a vehicle with two wheels, such as a motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle.
Vignette verte
Green sticker, a sticker placed on the windshield of a vehicle to indicate that the vehicle is insured.
Choc de simplification
Shock of simplification, a term used to describe a process of simplifying a complex system or process.
Fichier electronique
Electronic file, a digital file stored on a computer or other electronic device.
Forces de l'ordre
Law enforcement, the collective term for all the agencies responsible for enforcing laws.
Intentionality, the quality of being intentional or purposeful.
Service en ligne
Online service, a service provided over the internet.
Decree, an official order issued by a government or other authority.
Costs, the amount of money that must be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.
Groupe de travail
Working group, a group of people who come together to work on a specific project or task.
Builders, people or companies that build or construct something.
Subcontractors, companies or individuals that are hired by a contractor to perform a specific task or job.
Pieces d'occasion
Used parts, parts that have been used before and are now being reused.
Recycling, the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.
Monopoly, exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market.

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