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Assurance vie : attention aux circonstances qui entourent la modification de la clause beneficiaire


Monsieur U avait souscrit deux contrats d'assurance vie et avait apposé sa signature sur deux avenants pour changer les bénéficiaires. Après son décès, l'assureur a payé les fonds aux nouveaux bénéficiaires. La première porte l'affaire devant le tribunal. La Cour de cassation a jugé que, pour déterminer si la volonté de Monsieur U de modifier les clauses bénéficiaires était certaine et non équivoque, l'ensemble des circonstances extérieures ayant entouré la signature des avenants devait être pris en compte.


What is the case in the article?
The case in the article is about a deceased person who had two life insurance contracts designating a first beneficiary, and then signed two amendments to change the beneficiaries. After his death, the insurer paid the funds to the new beneficiaries, and the first beneficiary brought the case to court.

What does the article state about the ability of an assured to modify the beneficiary clause?
The article states that the assured can modify the beneficiary clause up until their death, as long as their will is expressed in a certain and non-equivocal manner.

What does the article state about the evidence needed to prove an absence of consent?
The article states that the absence of consent which leads to the nullity of the act can stem from an insanity of mind, but also from the absence of real and serious consent in that the author of the act did not perceive the exact significance and scope of the commitment they were making.

What did the Court of Appeal rule regarding the alteration of the beneficiary clause?
The Court of Appeal ruled that the elements did not allow for the proof of an insanity of mind, and that the beneficiary clause must bear the proof of a mental disorder.

What did the Court of Cassation decide regarding the appeal?
The Court of Cassation decided that the Court of Appeal should have looked into whether the entire circumstances surrounding the signature of the amendments had led to the assured not expressing their will in a certain and non-equivocal manner.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a detailed and interesting analysis of the legal implications of changing a beneficiary clause in an assurance vie.

👎 This article does not explain the practical implications of implementing the changes it proposes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about assurance vie and how it can be modified to designate different beneficiaries. It talks about a case where the beneficiary of a deceased person's insurance policy was changed, and the original beneficiary is taking this case to court.

Friend: Wow, that's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it shows that beneficiaries of assurance vie should be aware of the circumstances surrounding the changes of the clause beneficiaire. It also highlights the importance of being very clear and certain when expressing one's will. The article also highlights the fact that any changes to the clause beneficiaire must take into consideration all external circumstances in order for the change to be valid. Furthermore, the article serves as a reminder that the court may look into the external circumstances when determining the validity of a beneficiary change.

Action items

Technical terms

Assurance vie
A type of life insurance contract in France that allows for tax-advantaged savings and investments.
Clause beneficiaire
A clause in a life insurance contract that specifies who will receive the benefits of the policy upon the death of the insured.
An amendment to a contract.
A court of law.
Code civil
The French civil code.
Ayant droit
A person who is legally entitled to the benefits of a deceased person's estate.
Cour d'appel
An appellate court.
Cour de cassation
The highest court in France.
An appeal to the highest court.

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