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Teaching (and research using) GIS—Shifting to Modern GIS


This article explores the changing landscape of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in higher education, with a particular focus on teaching and research. It discusses the need to update curriculums to include the most recent developments in GIS technology, as well as the importance of providing students with the necessary experience to use modern GIS tools for research. The article also outlines the benefits of using GIS in research, including improved accuracy, enhanced visualization, and greater collaboration opportunities. Finally, it offers guidance on how to best implement GIS in an educational setting.


What are the benefits of introducing GIS into higher education?
The benefits of introducing GIS into higher education include improved student engagement, increased understanding of spatial concepts, and enhanced research capabilities.

How can GIS be used to enhance teaching and research?
GIS can be used to enhance teaching and research by providing students with the ability to visualize and analyze data, create maps, and explore spatial relationships.

What challenges arise when introducing GIS into higher education?
Challenges that arise when introducing GIS into higher education include the need for specialized training, the cost of software and hardware, and the need for technical support.

What strategies can be used to ensure successful GIS implementation in higher education?
Strategies that can be used to ensure successful GIS implementation in higher education include providing adequate training and support, developing a comprehensive GIS curriculum, and investing in the necessary hardware and software.

How will GIS technology evolve in the future?
GIS technology is expected to continue to evolve in the future, with increased capabilities for data analysis, visualization, and collaboration.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting insight into how GIS can be used in teaching and research. It highlights the need for modern GIS tools and approaches to ensure the most effective outcomes.

👎 While this article discusses the potential benefits and applications of using GIS in higher education, it does not provide any concrete strategies for instituting these changes.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about the need for universities to embrace modern GIS technologies and teaching approaches in order to keep up with the changing landscape of GIS.

Friend: That's interesting. What kind of implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the implications are that universities need to invest in modern GIS technologies and teaching approaches to ensure that students are well-equipped to use GIS in the future. It also implies that universities need to invest in research using GIS to stay on the cutting edge of the field. Additionally, universities need to create an environment that promotes the use of GIS and encourages collaboration between departments to maximize the potential of GIS.

Action items

Technical terms

Geographic Information System. A system used to capture, store, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
Modern GIS
A more advanced version of GIS that includes the use of cloud computing, mobile devices, and other technologies to create more powerful and efficient GIS applications.
Cloud Computing
A type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.
Mobile Devices
A device such as a smartphone or tablet that is used to access the internet and applications.

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