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How Product Designers Can Use Gamification for Good


Gamification in product design is a powerful tool for engaging users, but it can also cause significant harm if left unchecked. Alexandre Brito, a user experience designer and strategist, discusses how designers can create gamified products that balance user health and client requirements. He outlines the benefits of gamification, the potential risks, and best practices for ethical designers, such as pairing behavioral triggers with real-world meaning and using black hat techniques sparingly. He also covers how to monitor for side effects, set engagement guardrails and limits, and ensure that gamification is used to benefit both users and businesses.


What is gamification in product design?
Gamification in product design is a powerful tool for engaging users, using rewards to shape user behavior.

What are the benefits of using gamification for product design?
Gamification can improve focus, enhance learning, and increase engagement with a product or community.

What are some best practices for ethical designers when using gamification?
Ethical designers can ensure their UX benefits users by pairing behavioral triggers with real-world meaning, using Black Hat drives sparingly, knowing their users, monitoring for side effects, setting engagement guardrails and limits, and pushing back against client requirements when necessary.

How can designers ensure the user experience benefits users?
Designers can ensure the user experience benefits users by designing products around the user’s core motives, focusing on empowering the user and enhancing their sense of meaning, accomplishment, or connectedness, and monitoring and iterating to ensure both businesses and users benefit from gamified products.

What are the challenges of ensuring the metrics tracked are correlating to the desired behavior?
The challenges of ensuring the metrics tracked are correlating to the desired behavior include choosing which behaviors to encourage, figuring out how to measure those behaviors, and ensuring that the metric you’re tracking reliably correlates to the behavior you want.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article is a great resource for product designers looking to learn more about gamification and its ethical implications. It provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits and potential harms of gamification, as well as best practices for ethical designers.

đź‘Ž This article could have gone into more detail about the practical implications of gamification and how to design better user experiences with it. It also could have provided more concrete examples of how to use Black Hat and White Hat design techniques.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how product designers can use gamification to engage users, but also how it can cause significant harm if left unchecked. It also looks at how designers can create gamified products that balance user health and client requirements.

Friend: Interesting! It sounds like a great way to engage users, but the potential for harm is concerning. What implications does the article have?

Me: Well, the article stresses the importance of ethical strategies when creating gamified products, and advocates for user well-being. It also encourages designers to pair behavioral triggers with real-world meaning, use Black Hat drives sparingly, and set engagement guardrails and limits. Additionally, it suggests that designers should monitor for side effects, know their users, and set engagement guardrails and limits. Finally, the article emphasizes the need for continued research to ensure that businesses and users both benefit from gamified products.

Action items

Technical terms

UX Design
User Experience Design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction with the product.
The use of game-like elements, such as rewards, points, and leaderboards, to encourage user engagement with a product or service.
Key Performance Indicators are metrics used to measure the performance of a business, product, or service.
Black Hat Gamification
Gamification techniques that try to make the user surrender control to the product by fostering uncertainty and anxiety.
White Hat Gamification
Gamification techniques that tap into user goals and preferences while encouraging life balance.
A neurotransmitter that helps the brain associate certain behaviors with feeling good.
An area of the brain that is a key player in memory and learning.
Core Drives
The underlying motivations that drive user behavior.
User Burnout
A state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

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