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Secrets Management


Secrets management is the process of securely storing, transmitting, and auditing authentication credentials, such as passwords, keys, APIs, and tokens for use in applications, services, privileged accounts, and other sensitive parts of an IT environment. Secrets management is particularly important in DevOps, where there are many tools and technologies that require secrets to work. Poor secrets hygiene can lead to security risks and breaches, so best practices and solutions for secrets management should be implemented. These include discovering/identifying all types of passwords and keys, eliminating hardcoded/embedded secrets, enforcing password security best practices, and extending secrets management to third-parties. Additionally, DevSecOps culture should be embraced, where everyone shares responsibility for DevOps security.


What is Secrets Management?
Secrets Management refers to the tools and methods for managing digital authentication credentials (secrets), including passwords, keys, APIs, and tokens for use in applications, services, privileged accounts and other sensitive parts of the IT ecosystem.

Why is Secrets Management important?
Passwords and keys are some of the most broadly used and important tools your organization has for authenticating applications and users and providing them with access to sensitive systems, services, and information. Because secrets have to be transmitted securely, secrets management must account for and mitigate the risks to these secrets, both in transit and at rest.

What are some common challenges with Secrets Management?
Common risks to secrets and some considerations include: all privileged accounts, applications, tools, containers, or microservices deployed across the environment, and the associated passwords, keys, and other secrets; hardcoded and default passwords; secrets hardcoded in scripts or files; and cloud and virtualization administrator consoles.

What are the best practices and solutions for Secrets Management?
Best practices and solutions for Secrets Management include: discovering/identifying all types of passwords and keys across the entire IT environment; eliminating hardcoded/embedded secrets; enforcing password security best practices; applying privileged session monitoring to log, audit, and monitor; extending secrets management to third-parties; threat analytics; and embracing a DevSecOps culture.

How does Secrets Management help protect companies from cyber threats?
Secrets Management helps protect companies from cyber threats by identifying, securely storing, and centrally managing every credential that grants an elevated level of access to IT systems, scripts, files, code, applications, etc. It can also layer on privileged security controls, such as providing and managing unique authentication to all privileged users, applications, machines, scripts, and processes, across the entire environment.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of secrets management and the importance of implementing best practices for managing secrets securely.

👎 This article is quite long and the information is not clearly organized, making it difficult to quickly find the information you need.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about secrets management, which is an important part of IT security. It talks about the challenges of managing secrets and best practices and solutions to help manage secrets.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are some of the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article emphasizes the importance of discovering and identifying all types of secrets across the IT environment, eliminating hardcoded and default passwords, enforcing password security best practices, applying privileged session monitoring, extending secrets management to third-parties, using threat analytics to detect anomalies, and embracing a DevSecOps culture. All of these are important steps to ensure secure access to sensitive systems, services, and information. It also highlights the need for a more holistic approach to managing passwords, keys, and other secrets throughout the enterprise, as well as the importance of integrating secrets management into privileged access management (PAM) platforms.

Action items

Technical terms

Secrets Management
The tools and methods for managing digital authentication credentials (secrets), including passwords, keys, APIs, and tokens for use in applications, services, privileged accounts and other sensitive parts of the IT ecosystem.
Hardcoded/Embedded Secrets
Credentials that are hardcoded in DevOps tool configurations, build scripts, code files, test builds, production builds, applications, and more.
Privileged Session Monitoring
Logging, auditing, and monitoring all privileged sessions (for accounts, users, scripts, automation tools, etc.) to improve oversight and accountability.
Building security into both the culture and the DevOps lifecycle (from inception, design, build, test, release, support, maintenance).
Least Privilege
Limiting access and privileges to only what is needed and authorized.
Separation of Privilege
Limiting lateral movement in the event of a compromise.
Threat Analytics
Continuously analyzing secrets usage to detect anomalies and potential threats.

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