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Secrets Management


This article discusses how secrets, or private pieces of information that act as keys to unlock protected resources or sensitive information, are often targeted by cyber attackers to gain unauthorized access. It explains the key challenges in managing secrets, such as authenticating access requests and enforcing least privilege, and outlines what secrets management is and what common use cases there are for it. It also provides further information on Conjur Secrets Manager and other resources to learn more about secrets management.


What is a secret?
A secret is a private piece of information that acts as a key to unlock protected resources or sensitive information in tools, applications, containers, DevOps and cloud-native environments.

What are the key challenges in managing secrets?
The key challenges in managing secrets include cyber attackers targeting secrets to gain unauthorized access, secrets being widespread and embedded hard-coded credentials in containerized applications, and automated processes being susceptible to sophisticated cyber attacks.

What is secrets management?
Secrets management is a cybersecurity best practice for digital businesses that allows organizations to consistently enforce security policies for non-human identities.

What are common secrets management use cases?
Common secrets management use cases include securing CI/CD pipelines, securing containers, managing elastic and auto-scale environments, and securing internally developed applications and COTS applications.

What resources can help an organization learn more about secrets management?
Resources that can help an organization learn more about secrets management include Conjur Secrets Manager Enterprise, Conjur Secrets Manager Open Source, Understanding and Selecting a Secrets Management Platform, and Securing and Managing Privileged Credentials Used by Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Applications.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides comprehensive information on secrets management and the challenges associated with it. It also provides important use cases and best practices to help organizations secure their IT infrastructure.

👎 This article is too long and could have been condensed more to make the information easier to read and digest.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about secrets management in today's digital enterprises. It talks about the different types of secrets and the key challenges in managing them. It also covers some of the best practices for secrets management and some common use cases.

Friend: That's an interesting article. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, the article is highlighting the importance of secrets management in order to protect digital enterprises from cyber attacks. It also emphasizes the need for organizations to authenticate all access requests that use non-human credentials, enforce the principle of least privilege, and remove secrets from code, configuration files and other unprotected areas. By utilizing secrets management best practices, organizations can ensure that resources across tool stacks, platforms and cloud environments can only be accessed by authenticated and authorized entities.

Action items

Technical terms

Privileged Account Credentials
A type of secret that is used to access protected resources or sensitive information. It is a username and password combination that is used to authenticate a user and grant them access to a system.
A type of secret that is used to authenticate a user and grant them access to a system.
A type of secret that is used to authenticate a user and grant them access to a system. It is a digital document that contains information about the identity of the user and the public key of the user.
SSH Keys
A type of secret that is used to authenticate a user and grant them access to a system. It is a cryptographic key pair that is used to authenticate a user and encrypt data.
API Keys
A type of secret that is used to authenticate a user and grant them access to a system. It is a unique identifier that is used to access an application programming interface (API).
Encryption Keys
A type of secret that is used to encrypt and decrypt data. It is a string of characters that is used to encrypt and decrypt data.
Least Privilege
A security principle that states that users should only have access to the resources that are necessary for them to do their job.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
A security model that is used to control access to resources. It is based on the roles that users have in an organization and the permissions that are associated with those roles.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
A software development methodology that is used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.
An open-source automation server that is used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.
An open-source automation platform that is used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.
An open-source configuration management tool that is used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.
An open-source configuration management tool that is used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software.
Red Hat OpenShift
An open-source container platform that is used to deploy and manage applications in containers.
An open-source container orchestration platform that is used to deploy and manage applications in containers.

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