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UX Design Portfolio : Best Practices


This article provides advice to UX designers on how to create a portfolio that stands out and get the most out of it. It recommends various resources to find inspiration, templates, and hosting services, and gives tips on how to make the portfolio unique. It also suggests that UX designers buy their own domain name for easy access.


What is the best way to create a UX design portfolio?
The best way to create a UX design portfolio is to get inspiration from resources available online, such as blogs and articles, and to use templates and hosting services to create a unique portfolio.

What kind of resources are available to help create a UX design portfolio?
Resources available to help create a UX design portfolio include blogs and articles, as well as templates and hosting services.

What do recruiters and hiring managers look for in a UX design portfolio?
Recruiters and hiring managers look for portfolios that demonstrate a designer's skills and experience, as well as their ability to create unique designs.

What are some tips for making a UX design portfolio stand out?
Tips for making a UX design portfolio stand out include using unique design elements, creating a memorable URL, and showcasing the designer's skills and experience.

What are some templates and hosting services available to create a UX design portfolio?
Templates and hosting services available to create a UX design portfolio include WordPress, Wix, Dribbble, Behance, and Coroflot.

AI Comments

👍 This article gives a great overview of UX design portfolios, providing helpful resources and tips on how to create and present them.

👎 This article focuses too much on the technical aspects of making a UX design portfolio, without providing any advice on how to make it stand out creatively.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about making a good user experience (UX) design portfolio. It talks about where to start, how to make one, how to organize it, and what recruiters and hiring managers look for. It also suggests resources and tips for making a portfolio stand out.

Friend: That's really helpful. It sounds like having a great portfolio is really important if you're looking to land a UX gig.

Me: Absolutely. There's a lot of competition out there, so it's important to make sure your portfolio is as strong as possible. It's also important to make sure it accurately reflects your skillset. Having a portfolio that stands out from the crowd and showcases your talent is a great way to give yourself a competitive edge.

Action items

Technical terms

UX Design
UX design stands for user experience design, which is the process of creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.
UI/UX stands for user interface/user experience design, which is the process of creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users through the use of visuals, interactions, and other elements.
Digital Product Design
Digital product design is the process of creating digital products that are user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and provide a great user experience.
A recruiter is a person who is responsible for finding and hiring qualified candidates for a company.
Hiring Manager
A hiring manager is a person who is responsible for managing the recruitment process and making hiring decisions.
Website Builder
A website builder is a tool that allows users to create and manage websites without having to code.
WordPress is a popular website builder and content management system.
Wix is a website builder that allows users to create and manage websites without having to code.
Dribbble is a platform for designers to showcase their work and connect with other designers.
Behance is a platform for creatives to showcase their work and connect with other creatives.
Coroflot is a platform for designers to showcase their work and connect with other designers.

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