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How to Identify “Truthy” Tech Trends


This article discusses the concept of "Truthy Tech", which is technology that looks exciting at first glance, but doesn't perform as well in everyday life. It explores how technology is depicted in movies and TV and how it can influence product designers, as well as the consequences of rushing to implement new technology without a clear purpose. The author suggests that technologies are more likely to be truthy when they inspire fear in the popular imagination, and that truthful technology will win out over the long haul.


What is "truthy" tech?
"Truthy" tech is technology that is marketed as innovative but breaks down when inserted into everyday life.

What are the indicators of truthy tech?
Indicators of truthy tech include technology props designed to be visually engaging and serve the needs of the script, grandiose promises of a technology doing too many major things too soon, inspiring fear in the popular imagination, and people rushing into it for fear of missing out.

How do movies and TV influence truthy tech?
Movies and TV influence truthy tech by depicting visually appealing but unrealistic technology, terrorizing people with dystopian scenarios, and distracting from discussing the real and current problems with AI.

What are the effects of panic buying into new technologies?
The effects of panic buying into new technologies include making decisions without understanding the fundamentals of the technology, creating offerings in a rush that are brittle and break down, and buying into vague, panic-inducing notions.

How can we identify truthful technology?
We can identify truthful technology by looking for indicators of real adoption and usage, understanding the difficulties and trade-offs inherent with implementing any new tech, and recognizing that truthful tech wins out over the long haul.

AI Comments

👍 This is an incredibly insightful and well-researched article that provides an in-depth look into the concept of truthy tech and how it has become pervasive in the tech industry.

👎 This article is too long and overly complicated, making it difficult for readers to get through and understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about how to identify 'truthy' tech trends. It's about how some tech products are marketed as innovative but don't actually work in the real world, and it goes into the history of tech truthiness and how to spot it.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications?

Me: Well, it's important to be aware that some tech trends are overhyped and don't actually have the potential to live up to their promises, and it's important to be mindful when we're looking to invest in tech and to make sure it can actually work in the real world. It's also important to be aware of the potential dangers of tech, like privacy violations and safety issues. Finally, it's important to remember that tech truthiness exists, and to be wary of grandiose promises about new technologies.

Action items

Technical terms

Connected Homes
A type of smart home technology where users can control various aspects of their home with voice commands.
Amazon’s virtual assistant, which can be used to control various aspects of a Connected Home.
A term coined by Stephen Colbert to describe deceptive beliefs in politics, but which has been applied to technology as well. It refers to technology that is marketed as innovative, but which breaks down when inserted into everyday life.
User Interface. This refers to the way a user interacts with a device or platform.
A term used to refer to the third generation of the World Wide Web, which is characterized by the use of blockchain technology.
A digital currency that is secured by cryptography and is not controlled by any central authority.
A distributed ledger technology that is used to record and store data in a secure and transparent way.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which is a US law that sets standards for the protection of personal health information.
The US Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for regulating food, drugs, and medical devices.
Marshall McLuhan
A Canadian media theorist who wrote about the effects of technology on society.
Google Trends
A tool from Google that allows users to track the popularity of certain topics over time.

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