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This article examines the current NFT art market and its relationship with the traditional art market, in light of Beeple's historic $25 million sale. Following the sale, NFTs quickly became a hot topic in the art world, with some praising the introduction of the crypto world into art, and others being skeptical of reducing art to a financial asset. Although there was a 39% drop in sales in April 2021, sales have since gone back up, leading to increased recognition and acceptance of the digital medium. Established artists are adding NFTs to their oeuvres and the traditional pillars of the art world are finding ways to incorporate them into their businesses. The NFT market is fueled by a new generation of wealthy young collectors, but a gap between "speculative buyers" and traditional blue-chip collectors remains. The article warns that the NFT market is at risk of replicating the exclusionary chronicle of art history and failing to create an equitable ecosystem.


What has been the recent momentum of the NFT art market?
The recent momentum of the NFT art market has seen sales peak at almost 6 times higher than previous highs seen in March 2021.

How are traditional art institutions incorporating NFTs into their businesses?
Traditional art institutions are establishing platforms solely dedicated to the showing and selling of NFTs, accepting bids in cryptocurrency, and incorporating crypto collectibles into their sales.

What role does client strategy play in the acceptance of NFTs by artists, auction houses, and galleries?
Client strategy plays a large role in the acceptance of NFTs by artists, auction houses, and galleries as it offers a new client base and expanded clientele.

What are the differences between the traditional and NFT art markets?
The traditional and NFT art markets differ in the buying groups they attract, the sources of wealth they pull from, and the demographics of their artists.

What steps can be taken to create an equitable NFT art market?
To create an equitable NFT art market, attention must be brought to the current shortcomings and steps must be taken to break from this trend. This includes addressing the colonialist roots of the art world, increasing representation of underrepresented groups, and creating an accessible and equitable ecosystem.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an incredibly detailed and informative analysis on the current state of the NFT market and how it interacts with the traditional art world.

👎 This article fails to address how the NFT market perpetuates the same problematic foundations of the traditional art world such as gender and geographic biases.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the current NFT market and its implications. It talks about how traditional auction houses, galleries, and museums are incorporating NFTs into their art businesses, as well as the implications of tapping into a new market of wealthy young collectors. It looks at the differences between the traditional art market and the NFT market, and how it's perpetuating the same race, gender, and geographic biases that the canon of art history presents.

Friend: That's really interesting. It seems like the traditional art world is trying to catch up with the NFT market, but they are having a difficult time because the markets are so different.

Me: Exactly! It's interesting to see that the traditional art market is still struggling to overcome the same issues of race, gender, and geographic bias that have been around for a long time. It's important to recognize that this new market of NFTs has the potential to create an equitable ecosystem, but we need to be aware of the current issues and how to avoid continuing along the same path.

Action items

Technical terms

Non-fungible tokens, a type of cryptocurrency that is unique and not interchangeable.
Crypto World
The world of cryptocurrency, a digital form of currency that is not regulated by a central bank.
Crypto Collectibles
Digital assets that are unique and not interchangeable, such as Crypto Punks and Bored Ape Yacht Club.
HNW Collectors
High net worth collectors, individuals with a high net worth who are interested in collecting art.
People born between 1981 and 1996.
People born between 1946 and 1964.
A digital form of currency that is not regulated by a central bank.
The origin or source of something.
The quality of being genuine or real.
Artist Royalties
Payments made to an artist for the use of their work.

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