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Google Books


This article is about Langdon Gilkey, an American theologian who received his B.A. at Harvard University and a Ph.D. at Columbia University. His pedagogical concern is in examining the place of religion within a secular culture, and he has written several books on religion and the scientific future, creationism, and American religion. The article also discusses some of his other works and the publisher of his books, Wipf & Stock Publishers.


What is the title of the book discussed in the article?
The title of the book discussed in the article is Gilkey on Tillich.

Who is the author of the book?
The author of the book is Langdon Gilkey.

What is the publisher of the book?
The publisher of the book is Wipf & Stock Publishers.

What is the primary subject matter of the book?
The primary subject matter of the book is religion and Christian theology.

What are some other works by the same author?
Some other works by the same author are Shantung Compound, Religion and the Scientific Future Reflections on Myth, Science, and Theology, and Blue Twilight Nature, Creationism, and American Religion.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides an excellent overview of the work of Langdon Gilkey and his contributions to Christian theology.

πŸ‘Ž The article lacks a comprehensive list of sources and references to Gilkey's work, making it difficult to learn more about his research.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about Langdon Gilkey, an American theologian, and his works. He examines the place of religion within a secular culture and raises the question of whether religion will survive in the modern age.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article highlights the importance of examining religion in a secular context. It suggests that religion can still be relevant in an increasingly scientific and technological age. It also raises the issue of whether religious beliefs, practices, and ideologies can still thrive in a secular world. In addition, the article emphasizes the need to consider how faith and beliefs can be adapted to the modern world in order to remain meaningful.

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Technical terms

Google Books
A service provided by Google that allows users to search the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text using optical character recognition, and stored in its digital database.
Advanced search
A feature of Google Books that allows users to refine their search results by specifying criteria such as language, publisher, and publication date.
Send feedback
A feature of Google Books that allows users to provide feedback to Google about the service.
Report an issue
A feature of Google Books that allows users to report any technical issues they may be experiencing with the service.
International Standard Book Number, a unique identifier for books and other publications.
Page count
The total number of pages in a book or other publication.
The company or organization responsible for publishing a book or other publication.
The language in which a book or other publication is written.
Fulbright scholar
A scholar who has been awarded a Fulbright scholarship, a program of the United States government that provides grants for international educational exchange.
Guggenheim fellowship
A fellowship awarded by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional ability in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
A form of religious belief characterized by a strict adherence to traditional religious doctrines and a literal interpretation of religious texts.
Cult practices
Practices associated with a cult, a religious or social group with beliefs and practices considered to be outside of mainstream society.
A practice of focusing one’s attention on a particular object, thought, or activity in order to achieve a state of mental clarity and relaxation.
Private ideology
A set of beliefs and values held by an individual or group that are not widely shared by others.
Secular culture
A culture or society that is not based on or influenced by religion.

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